Beyond the Gates

Two estranged brothers, Gordon and John Hardesty reunite at their missing father's video store to clean out the property and sell his belongings after he has been missing for seven months. Gordon is reserved and has stayed away from their hometown, while John is a slacker who hangs out with a drifter named Hank. At the end of the day, Gordon goes to their father's house where he is soon joined by his girlfriend, Margot. Margot and Gordon go to a local place for dinner and there they meet John and Hank, the latter of whom makes a few crude comments to Margot, angering Gordon. Gordon and Margot leave to return to his father's home to spend the night. Gordon wakes up all of a sudden at 3:13 hearing a noise and seeing a shadow on the street below. Looking at a shelf in the bedroom, he sees a key labeled "Office."

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