Tanaka Tamako had been working for a male-dominated restaurant business but was betrayed by her boyfriend who was hired as the chef. In addition, she is taken to the police as a result of an incident she caused because her friend Morimura Kyoko was subjected to sexual harassment. Tamako resigns from her unreasonable company and starts a bistro selling homemade pot-au-feu on a rooftop in an alley in Jingumae, Tokyo. This is the story of females who are labelled "write-offs" and the restaurant they have established in order for them to get out from life's abyss. They battle difficulties and search for ways to change their lives as they experience the joys of work. This is a problem restaurant because they are all females with problems, but it is certainly not lousy. The women who have a common enemy – men, and the restaurant unites them in a fight to the death.
- Mondainoaru Restaurant
- Mondai no Aru Restaurant
남성 중심의 사회에서 불합리한 일을 당한 여주인공이 비슷한 문제를 안고 있는 여성들과 함께 레스토랑을 개점해 경쟁 업체의 남자들과 승부를 걸며 새로운 인생을 시작하는 이야기를 그리는 코미디 드라마.
随和开朗的田中玉子(真木阳子 饰)曾供职于一间大男子主义盛行的餐饮公司,因为不满老板(杉本哲太 饰)及负责人对高中时代友人及其的压迫和羞辱,玉子在惹出骚动后毅然离开该公司。此后她租下前公司所属的西式餐厅附近一座建筑的屋顶,并且召集来异装癖的基佬海地(安田显 饰)、恐惧人 类的社长千金雨木千佳(松冈茉优 饰)、曾经打工时的伙伴乌森奈奈美(YOU 饰)、被前夫贬到一文不值的主妇三千院镜子(臼田麻美 饰)、八面玲珑的心机女蓝里(高畑充希 饰)以及自视甚高的东大丧服女新田结实(二阶堂富美 饰),准备开一家西式料理餐厅,向对门的敌人们发起挑战。
几经波折,名为Bistro Fou的露天餐厅终于悄然开张,而这几个失败组的女性还将有很长的一段路要走……