All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 The Day the Sun Danced: The True Story of Fatima

    In 1917, three children named Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta experienced a great miracle. While herding a flock of sheep outside the tiny village of Fatima, Portugal, the Blessed Mother visited them, not once, but many times, telling the children great and wondrous secrets that would affect all of creation. When the children tried to share the joyous news of Our Lady of Fatima, no one believed them, until the day the sun seemed to dance in the sky. It soon became clear that they had been chosen by the Blessed Mother to share her message. The Day the Sun Danced is the inspiring true story of Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta, whose great faith and courage brought the message of Our Lady of Fatima to the entire world.

  • S01E02 Francis: The Knight of Assisi

    It was the age of knights and kings, when honor belonged to the heroes and glory was found in the battle field. There lived a brave young man named Francis, whose wish was to become a mighty warrior and conquer a magnificent castle. One day Francis felt a calling to greater glory. God had vested upon him a very special mission that would require a supreme act of courage. For the love of God, his King, Francis gave up everything that he had and joyfully embarked upon the most exciting and unexpected adventure. Francis: The Knight of Assisi is the remarkable story of the founder of the Order of Minor Friars and inspiration of three Franciscan orders.

  • S01E03 Nicholas: The Boy Who Became Santa

    Nicholas was still a young child when he discovered a very special secret that changed his life forever. It was the gift of giving, by which he brought happiness to many people. Nevertheless, in sharing this gift, Nicholas had to face many dangers. Here is the fascinating story of the boy whose love and care for others make him one of the most popular figures of all times. Today, more than sixteen centuries later, the entire world celebrates the kindness and generosity of the man we call Santa Claus. Based on historical facts and traditions, Nicholas: The Boy Who Became Santa, is the beautifully animated film worth watching all year long.

  • S01E04 Bernadette: The Princess of Lourdes

    It's February 11, 1858. Three girls from Lourdes, France, gather firewood in front of a grotto. Suddenly one of them, Bernadette Soubirous, 14, drops to her knees, gazes ecstatically at something beautiful that only she can see, and starts to pray. Soon the town buzzes: Has Bernadette, poor, sickly, and always behind in school, really seen a Lady from Heaven? Then a spring bubbles up from nowhere and withered arms and sightless eyes are cured. At last, the Lady tells Bernadette her name: "I am the Immaculate Conception.” Bernadette: The Princess of Lourdes, is the exciting true story of a visit by the Queen of Heaven that left the entire world a source of health for body and soul.

  • S01E05 Columbus: Adventures to the Edge of the World

    On October 12, 1492, it's now or never for Christopher Columbus and his lifelong dream of discovery. After 37 days of sailing west across the unknown seas, he must find land or else return to Spain at dawn, as he has promised his tired crew. He's not afraid to stand up for his dreams, just as he's not afraid of sea monsters or falling off the edge of the world. Columbus: Adventures to the Edge of the World is the thrilling story of how one man's vision and courage brought continents together and changed history forever.

  • S01E06 Ben-Hur: A Race to Glory

    Young Ben-Hur and Messala were the best of friends. They loved to race chariots. One day, Messala had to leave Jerusalem and his Jewish friend to study in Rome and become a Roman officer. When Messala came back, the boyhood friends were now men but friends no longer. Messala falsely imprisoned Ben-Hur's family and sent him to the galleys. But Ben-Hur survived. And he returned, seeking his family – and Messala. What happened next, and what became of them at the hands of a magnificent Stranger, makes Ben-Hur: A Race to Glory an epic, thrilling, inspiring adventure of two childhood friends—one Roman and one Jew—whose friendship is tested. Only the healing grace of Christ can make Ben-Hur whole again.

  • S01E07 The Odyssey: A Journey Back Home

    King Ulysses has just won the Trojan War. All he wants now is to return to his wife Penelope and their young son. But his journey home becomes a long and dangerous adventure. Ulysses will have to test his courage and ingenuity to the limit if he's going to see his family ever again! Meanwhile, Penelope and her son use their own wits and loyalty to keep evil Antinous from taking over as king and stealing all that is dear to their family. Let CCC's featured hosts–mischievous Barney Owl and Grandpa Owl–give you the ride of your life into The Odyssey: A Journey Back Home. It is a delightful, exciting, and hilarious adaptation of Homer's timeless tale of family, love, and unity.

  • S01E08 Francis Xavier and the Samurai's Lost Treasure

    Young Francis Xavier had everything going for him. A champion at sports and studies, he was ready to win the whole world for himself. Then one day his best friend, Ignatius of Loyola, showed him that true champions are of a far more heroic breed–-those who risk all to win the world for God. Francis became a Jesuit missionary and set off to the farthest reaches of the world. He saved pearl divers, stood off pirates, and quested with a mysterious samurai warrior in search for a hidden treasure. Francis Xavier and the Samurai's Lost Treasure captures the true spirit of a daring man who braved the pearl coasts and jungles of India, and the forbidding castles of Japan, in amazing adventures of courage and faith.

  • S01E09 Patrick: Brave Shepherd of the Emerald Isle

    Fun-loving Patrick had it easy at his parents' seaside villa. At 16, he thought he had it made for life–that is, until the day riders kidnapped him to nearby Ireland. Now a slave and shepherd, Patrick faced a bleak and uncertain future. To survive, he'd have to conquer cold, hunger, wild beasts, and even worse enemies. What's more, Patrick would have to conquer himself. So he turned to God. With new strength and inner freedom, he began an incredible saga of faith against which no enemy would ever prevail. Blending historical facts with beloved traditions, Patrick: Brave Shepherd of the Emerald Isle brings to life a long-lost world of Druids, warriors, and kings. One that brave Patrick illuminated forever.

  • S01E10 My Secret Friend A Guardian Angel Story

    Little Angie was sure she had a guardian angel. She even called him Mikey! But when her brother Danny made fun of her, she began to wonder. Then, on their family vacation in the rugged San Miguel mountains, something happened that made their vacation one they'd never forget. Along the mountain road, Angie found a dusty bracelet -- the perfect collar for her pet bunny, Hopper! But why were two guys hiding in the bushes interested in it too? An unforgettable lesson ensues about heaven's special gift to each of us. Our very own guardian angel., DVD Video / 30 min., Please note: This DVD can be played in English, Spanish, or French., Part of Saints and Heroes Video Series produced by CCC of America.

  • S01E11 Juan Diego: Messenger of Guadalupe

    In 1531 Juan Diego found himself between two world, that of the Spanish conquerors and that of his own Aztec heritage. Because of his love for his people and his strong faith, Juan Diego turned to Jesus and His Mother, Mary for help in uniting his people. The answer to Juan Diego's prayers has become one of the greatest events in the history of the Americas. Juan Diego: Messenger of Guadalupe is the true story of how the Blessed Mother chose a hero for a key role in a beautiful miracle that would unite diverse peoples and change the course of history. In the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City, the miracle of the tilma of Juan Diego may still be seen, just as it was seen by the bishop in 1531.