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The DMC network, consisting of 6 channels, launched three channels initially. The beginning was with DMC Sports, which started in September 2016 coinciding with the start of the Egyptian Football League. It was the first channel to cover the Egyptian League (Division B) for the first time, as well as local and international sports events. This sports channel marked the initial breakthrough for the DMC network. In early 2017, DMC HD and DMC Drama were launched, both taking the broadcasting standards to completely new levels.

English العربية
يحيي وكنوز
سنبل: رحلة المليون
بابا جه
أبنائي الأعزاء.. شكراً
الضاحك الباكي
حلم الجنوبي
امبراطورية م
بدون سابق انذار
The Ancient Language
عتبات البهجة
The Magical Recipe

There are no movies associated with this company.