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Parasyte [Adaptations]

Parasyte (Japanese: 寄生獣, Hepburn: Kiseijū, lit. "Parasitic Beasts") is a Japanese science fiction horror manga series written and illustrated by Hitoshi Iwaaki. It was published in Kodansha's Morning Open Zōkan (1989) and Monthly Afternoon (1989 to 1994). The manga was published in North America first by Tokyopop, then Del Rey, and finally Kodansha USA. The series follows Shinichi Izumi, a high school senior who is the victim of a failed attempt by a parasitic organism to take over his brain. The parasite instead infects and takes over his arm.

  • TheTVDB.com List ID 16025
  • Created By toni kaku
  • List Type Custom
  • Favorites 1
  • Created February 6, 2024 by
    toni kaku
  • Modified February 6, 2024 by
    toni kaku

寄生獣 セイの格率


平凡な高校生である泉新一は、ある日突然飛来してきた「パラサイト」の襲撃を受ける。間一髪で脳への寄生は免れるが、パラサイトは新一の右腕に寄生、同化してしまう。右手にちなんで「ミギー」と自ら名乗るパラサイトと人間の奇妙な共生生活が始まることに―。周囲に真実を話すことができず悩んでいた新一だが、やがて新一とミギーは友情に近いものを感じるようになっていく。 しかし、新一とミギーの前には他のパラサイトが現れ始め、次々に人を殺し、また人がパラサイトを殺す事態に発展。新一の同級生・里美にも危険が迫る。 その中で、高校教師として目の前に現れた田宮良子らパラサイトたちにもそれぞれの価値観が生まれ始める。 「われわれはなぜ生まれてきたのか?」 地球を壊し続ける人間たちを淘汰するために生まれてきたというパラサイトたち。そのパラサイトを殺し、生き延びようとする人間たち。 「果たして生き残るべきはどちらなのか?」 それでも、地球を、そして愛する人を守らなければいけない。 ゆらぐ価値観の中で、新一とミギーはパラサイトとの戦いに身を投じていく。

Parasyte: Part 1


Tiny creatures called "Parasytes" have arrived on Earth with the sole purpose of taking over human brains and preying on mankind. One latches on to ordinary high school student, Shinichi Izumi. Whilst he is able to fight it off before it reaches his brain, it is now stuck within his right hand. But a strange relationship develops between himself and the creature he calls "Migi," and before long they begin to encounter other Parasytes which launch savage attacks against them and endanger the lives of his friends and family. Shinichi and Migi have no choice but to work together and hurl themselves into the fight against an ever more complex and aggressive enemy.

Parasyte: Part 2


It has become all-out war between humanity and the Parasytes - the tiny creatures who are rapidly taking over the brains of the human populace. But nothing is black and white in this struggle. Why have the Parasytes come to Earth? Are they here to cull our numbers? The planet needs to be preserved, but we also want to protect our loved ones. Amidst this conflict of values, Shinichi and Migi must continue to work together in the escalating fight against the Parasytes.

기생수: 더 그레이


어디에선가 정체불명의 기생생물들이 나타난다. 인간을 숙주로 삼아 살인을 저지르며 세력을 구축하는 침입자들. 이를 막으려는 인간들이 기생생물과 맞서 싸운다.