A Model Husband

Mr. Cherub is considered by all the world to be a model husband. Housewives hold him up as a shining example to their husbands. In truth, however, Mr. Cherub is anything but a virtuous husband. He mistreats his wife and orders her around like a slave. As for liquor, it is true enough that he never saw the inside of a saloon, and pretends to be an apostle of grape juice and pasteurized milk. But he makes up his continence on the sly, by enjoying every once in a while a few teaspoons full of a cough medicine, which is really nothing else than Scotch Strong. The Prohibitionists, however, know nothing of all that. So highly do they think of him that they determine unanimously to nominate him for Mayor. They send a committee to his home to bring him the good tidings. Unfortunately he is just engaged in a pleasant altercation with his wife concerning the food, the affair reaching its climax in a crockery duel. But when Mr

  • The Model Husband

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