Phantasm II

The film introduces Liz Reynolds, a young woman whose psychic bond to Mike and the Tall Man manifests in the form of prophetic nightmares. Liz pleads for Mike to find her, as she fears that when her grandfather dies, the Tall Man will take him. The scene then transitions where the Phantasm (film) left off, the Tall Man (Phantasm) and his minions attempt to kidnap Mike, but Reggie (Phantasm) manages to save him by blowing up the house.


Terrifying - Relentless - Unstoppable

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Phantasm Franchise

2 3 szsori

Phantasm Franchise

1 5 Gilgamesh1964

Phantasm is an American horror film series that consists of five films, novels, comic books, and merchandise. It is mainly about the Tall Man (Angus Scrimm), a supernatural and malevolent undertaker and the main antagonist who turns the dead into dwarf zombies to do his bidding and take over the world. He is opposed by a young boy, Mike (A. Michael Baldwin), who tries to convince his older brother Jody (Bill Thornbury) and family friend Reggie (Reggie Bannister) of the threat. The first film was released in 1979, received generally positive reviews and has garnered a cult following.

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