The Parade

The film introduces a group of gay activists, trying to organize a pride parade in Belgrade. Among them Mirko Dedijer (Goran Jevtić), a struggling theater director who mostly makes a living by planning lavish and kitschy wedding ceremonies on the side. Organizing such a parade is no easy task in Serbia as evidenced by the violence at the 2001 parade attempt. Now, almost a decade later, the situation is not much better - nationalist and right wing groups pose just as much threat so despite repeated attempts through official channels, Mirko is getting nowhere since the police refuses to secure the event. Mirko's effeminate boyfriend Radmilo (Miloš Samolov) is a veterinarian - he is not nearly as political and is quite content keeping a low profile. Although the two try to live discreetly, both still experience various forms of abuse from the homophobic majority.

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