The Yaqui

Col. Martinez, commander of the Mexican troops, is in partnership with Flores, a brutal slave holder, who owns large tracts in the Maguay fields of Yucatan. Flores comes to Martinez and enlists his aid to secure peons to labor in the fields. Army headquarters are in the center of the Yaqui Indians' lands and Tambor is one of the leading spirits among the Indian tribesmen. Col. Hernandez is second in command to Col. Martinez, and both men are in love with Ysobel, daughter of Esteban, a rich land holder. In order to instigate a reason for enslaving the Yaqui Indians. Col. Martinez involves a scheme to insult Tambor's wife. At the feast of Santa Catalina, the Yaqui assemble in the plaza before the church to hold their ceremonies. In the midst of the revelry, Martinez approaches the wife of Tambor and taking her in his arms attempts to kiss her


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