
The film opens with Vinod (Jai) sipping his milkshake and walking in the subway. Then, suddenly a young woman called Subiksha (Andrea Jeremiah) blocks his path and proposes to him and disappears. He takes it as a joke and goes away. But during the following week, he starts to wonder about her and questions himself whether she told the truth. So, he starts to wait in the subway every day. But she doesn't come. But on the other hand, she visits his workplace in and his friend's room, where he stays. But both the times he doesn't make it in time to meet her. Finally when he meets her, she tells him that they have already met at a party where their mutual friend asks her to drop him at his place as he is very drunk. But Vinod doesn't remember this incident. When he replies to her proposal, she rejects him stating that she just messed with him for his behavior on the night she dropped him at home. But he continues to pursue her. Subiksha puts a condition that if he fought with Ashwin Ranjith, a boxing champion, she would return his love. He agrees to fight him not only to win her love but also cause of an incident that happened because of Ashwin which has caused him to stay away from his father.In a flashback it is revealed that Vinod loved his father dearly and was at a shopping mall enjoying with his family but a hot dog fells over Ashwin who publicly insults his father.After this incident Vinod stays away from his father.His father who is Subhiksha's colleague narrates this incident to her which causes Vinod to defeat Ashwin in the end.

  • Movie ID 114013
  • Status Released
  • Released Worldwide March 27, 2015
  • Runtime 139 minutes
  • Genres Action
  • Original Country India
  • Original Language English
  • Spoken Languages Tamil
  • Production Company SK Studios
  • Production Countries India
  • On Other Sites IMDB
  • Favorited This movie has been favorited by 0 people.
  • Created March 26, 2019 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified March 26, 2019 by
    Administrator admin

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