All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Ex-Drug Cop Explains What Going Undercover is Like

    • September 23, 2018
    • VICE TV (US)

  • S01E02 The Head of a Satanic Temple Explains Satanism

    • September 2, 2018
    • VICE TV (US)

  • S01E03 An Executioner Explains What It's Like to Legally Kill People

    • November 25, 2018
    • VICE TV (US)

  • S01E04 This Married Couple Practices BDSM 24/7

    • September 30, 2018
    • VICE TV (US)

  • S01E05 A Serial Killer Profiler Explains the Minds of Murderers

    • December 10, 2018
    • VICE TV (US)

  • S01E06 The Dangers of Being a Cocaine Dealer

    • September 16, 2018
    • VICE TV (US)

  • S01E07 A Porn Director Explains the Importance of Alternative Porn

    • January 20, 2019
    • VICE TV (US)

  • S01E08 This Flat Earther Thinks NASA is Lying to You

    • August 5, 2018
    • VICE TV (US)

    What if everything you've learnt is a lie? What if NASA and the illuminati have been pulling the wool over your eyes since birth? What if the moon is fake news? VICE speaks to a Flat-Earther who will finally puts these essential questions to rest.

  • S01E09 Why I’ve Been Injecting Snake Venom for 30 Years

    • March 15, 2019
    • VICE TV (US)

    Steve Ludwin has been voluntarily injecting snake venom for 30 years. This began as a quest for personal immunity, the fountain of youth and the acquiring of serpent powers but became considerably more profound when a laboratory in Copenhagen discovered his masochism. Now, his blood is in trials to be potentially used as a worldwide antivenom which could save thousands of lives. In the run up to the release of VICE's new three-part series Snake and Man, Steve breaks down why he started injecting venom, why he looks 20 years younger and how he may have accidentally become an antivenom messiah.

  • S01E10 My Face Tattoos Are Not Scary

    • August 12, 2018
    • VICE TV (US)

    Why the hell would anyone get a tattoo on their face? We speak to Roblake, who is a tattoo artist to explore the trend of inking your face.

  • S01E11 Crop Circle Theorist Thinks the Truth is Out There

    • January 6, 2019
    • VICE TV (US)

    VICE goes to meet Andy Thomas, mystery buster, to find out what he knows about the creation of crop circles. Are they made by humans, aliens or other super natural forces? The truth is out there somewhere, and Andy is on track to find out.

  • S01E12 This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials

    • August 19, 2018
    • VICE TV (US)

    Are the human race headed for apocalypse? Will Brexit be good for the UK? What do aliens think of VICE? And how soon until we get to get down with aliens in bed? In this rare opportunity, VICE asks an extraterrestrial race (through a man channeling them) all of earth's burning questions.

  • S01E13 Meet The Wife of Britain's Most Notorious Prisoner Charles Bronson

    • January 27, 2019
    • VICE TV (US)

    Ever wondered what attracts women to notorious criminals? Charles Salvador, better known as Charles Bronson, is probably the most notoriously tough guest of Her Majesty's Prison Service. But, for his wife, Paula, it's a shared interest in art that best defines the criminal once famously portrayed by Tom Hardy.

  • S01E14 A Male Witch Explains Why He’s not a Wizard

    • October 14, 2018
    • VICE TV (US)

    Kevin Carlyon noticed he had special abilities when he was a child, he could tell the future. But instead of following the path to become a wizard, he decided being a Witch suited him better. He is the leader of a thriving coven that has many witches, male and female, all over the world. They cast spells to help you oust your cheating partner, to find your lost cat and help you on the way to riches. VICE went to interview him to find out whether male witches face discrimination in their community, and to find out if magic really exists.

  • S01E15 10 Questions You Always Wanted To Ask a Pet Cremator

    • March 24, 2017
    • VICE TV (US)

    Memorial diamonds, embroidered cushions and paw print cufflinks, are some of the keepsakes on offer to grieving pet owners, at Dignity Pet Crematorium where VICE asks its in-house cremator 10 questions you've always wanted to, so you can avoid the awkwardness of doing it yourself.

  • S01E16 Pussy Riot Talks Putin, Prisons, and Political Sexual Preferences

    • August 26, 2018
    • VICE TV (US)

    "The day after Trump was elected I couldn't look people in the eyes. It was like waking up after f*cking your best friend. It wasn't supposed to happen." We met Nadya Tolokonnikova from Russian punk band Pussy Riot to chat Putin, prisons and sexual preferences.

  • S01E17 The Woman Who Married a 300-Year-Old Ghost Pirate

    • November 8, 2018
    • VICE TV (US)

    Ghosting, the current panic for all us daters… but what about the people who take this a step further? VICE meets the woman who has passed up mortal men to marry a ghost.

  • S01E18 An Alien Abduction Hypnotherapist Explains Extraterrestrial Encounters

    • February 17, 2019
    • VICE TV (US)

    Clinical hypnotherapist Laurie McDonald, who specializes in alien abductions, UFO's, and extraterrestrial contact, answers 10 questions about her job treating people who've encountered the extraordinary. Laurie exclusively allowed VICE cameras into a hypnotherapy session in Sacramento to witness a first time client searching for answers after a lifetime of alien experiences.

  • S01E19 The Cockroach Connoisseur Who Acted in “The Human Centipede”

    • September 9, 2018
    • VICE TV (US)

    After acting as the back end of the Human Centipede in the movie Human Centipede, Em decided to be a vlogger specializing in all many of exotic animals with a particular fondness for that most maligned of creatures, the cockroach. What does she love about them and why do weird people on the internet fantasize about her giant snail?

  • S01E20 Embracing Sologamy: Meet The Woman Who Married Herself

    • October 7, 2018
    • VICE TV (US)

    Riddle me this... Sophie is a married woman. But she is also single. VICE interviews Sophie Tanner, the lady who married herself, to find out what sologamy is, whether she feels lonely in a marriage by herself, if she does "normal" couple things like sending n00dz and how do you pop the question.. to yourself?!

  • S01E21 An Eating Disorder Specialist Explains How Trauma Creates Food Disorders

    • October 14, 2019
    • VICE TV (US)

    As an eating disorder and trauma therapist, Ashley McHan sees patients with an array of issues with food. VICE speaks to her about our unhealthy relationship to food, how it contributes to disordered eating and the underlying causes, similarities and differences of various eating disorders.

  • S01E22 The Shittiest Job in the Country

    • July 13, 2019
    • VICE TV (US)

    VICE Indonesia meets unsung hero, Aan Kuntoro, who might just have, literally, the shittiest job in the country. This septic tank cleaner tells us the oddities he's fished out of plumbing and how he endures the aroma of fresh feces.

  • S01E23 I Make Dildos for a Living

    • March 21, 2020
    • VICE TV (US)

    Adam makes cocks for a living. Originally starting an anal toy and strap-on company with his partner, they now hand-make glittery multi coloured dicks! They own the company Godemiche together in Leicestershire, where they also live with their two kids. In our interview he indulges us on the small and large issues within the sex toy industry, how he deals with telling people his occupation and explains why the Brits are too prudish about sex. Also.. is the "Adam" dildo sculpted on his own penis?! Adam is all about helping others with his products. He wants people to be able to talk about sex freely and openly, and by opening up his shop he hopes to start a new conversation.. dicks, butt plugs, Hercules and the penises of mythical creatures.

  • S01E24 Advice from a COVID-19 Biohazard Clean Up Team

    • April 29, 2020
    • VICE TV (US)

    Hundreds of new calls are being made to Aftermath Services, who specialize in infectious disease and biohazard remediation, including coronavirus disinfection. Businesses, factories, and individuals are calling to clean areas for COVID-19 exposure. What is it like for a company who dispatches mobile units to clean up everything from crime scenes to dead bodies and now COVID-19?

  • S01E25 The Antifa Fight Club

    • December 24, 2020
    • VICE TV (US)

    As a women-led boxing and martial arts gym run along anti-fascist community principles, Solstar is among the first of its kind in the UK. When it opened in February 2016, both founders were determined to build a space where women could learn practical fighting skills without the machismo. VICE meets the founders to talk about how ANTIFA goes hand in hand with martial arts and how some violence can be positive.

  • S01E26 Tantric Sex Guru

    • January 3, 2021
    • VICE TV (US)

    What's the longest tantra session recorded? Is normal sex boring now? Are you just a pervert? With exclusive access to a one-on-one tantra sesh, owner of Sacred Sexual Awakening, Shaft Uddin, answers all your burning questions about "the new yoga."

  • S01E27 What is Ethical Hacking

    • August 3, 2021
    • VICE TV (US)

    Have you ever wondered whether it is ever safe to take nude selfies? Or how much you risk when you leave your Insta profile open? We chat to ethical hacker Zoe Rose to find out how vulnerable we really are online.

  • S01E28 Penis Augmentation Doctor

    • April 3, 2022
    • VICE TV (US)

    Ever wonder if there is a penis doctor? Well, there is, and we interviewed him. In this episode of 10 Questions, we sit down with Dr. Ed Zimmerman, a Las Vegas-based cosmetic surgeon who is a viral phenomenon on TikTok as being the DickDocOnTikTok, addressing all topics penis. What's the best penis size? Is it possible to make your penis bigger? Now, what should I not do if I want to make my penis bigger? We learn this and much more from the Dr. Z, and hear from the internet-famous penis specialist influencer.

  • S01E29 Squirting Instructor

    • February 14, 2023
    • VICE TV (US)

    The “world's greatest sex hacker" takes our questions, teaches a hands-on course, tells us how he started as "sexually insecure Asian immigrant with an average-sized cock,” and explains why we should even listen to him tell us how vaginas work.

  • S01E30 The Pigeon Man

    • September 28, 2023
    • VICE TV (US)

    An icon of New York City is a mysterious park patron intimately interacting with what the rest of the city deems to be vile hotspots of bacteria- pigeons. After tragedy derailed Larry's life, he hitchhiked to New York City, finding a new family in an unsuspecting group–the "disgusting" pigeons of Washington Square Park. We sit down with Larry and his flock to find out the answers to all the questions you've ever wanted to ask a real-life bird man.

  • S01E31 Dying Without Regrets According to a Death Doula

    • February 15, 2024
    • VICE TV (US)

    The rise of death industries and our unwillingness to talk openly about death has made navigating the end-of-life increasingly complicated. Death Doulas, like Mangda Sengvanhpheng, are here to help by caring for and guiding people through the death and dying process. We asked Mangda your morbid questions and what we can do to prepare ourselves for death and loss.