ウルトラギャラクシーファイト ニュージェネレーションヒーローズ Episode 11

Ruebe splits back into his components as the New Generation Heroes regroup with Zero and Grigio. Seeing the defeat of the League of Darkness, Tregear unleashes his dark energy to resurrect both Dark-Killer and Zero Darkness, the former turned into a mindless rampant that is several times bigger than his original height. As Tregear leaves his magical space, a pair of Red Kings took his place in against Ribut. Geed and his predecessors recreate the New Generation Capsules for Zero to access Zero Beyond and face his doppelganger. While the five said Ultras access their strongest forms (Ginga merges with Taro to become Ginga Strium), the O-50 siblings merged into Gruebe for the final fight against Dark-Killer.

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