Home / Series / 4WD 24/7 / Aired Order / Season 1 / Episode 189

Roothy's Kimberley Adventure

Forget the Simmo or the Cape, if there’s one place in Australia that offers true, wild, 4WD adventure, it’s WA! This issue, Roothy and Gleno head for Australia’s final frontier, the remote and always breathtaking Kimberley region. Along with traditional owner Colin Morgan, the boys leave the tracks behind and set out in search of the best camping spots and water holes that no-one’s ever seen before. Forget what you thought you knew about the Kimberley being dry and rocky, because on this trip the winches get a serious workout, and it’s the middle of the dry season! Also in this issue, we catch up with the owners of three tough as nails custom 4WDs – a touring Pajero that’s got all the mods to mix it with the big trucks, a trick Zook that’s been built at home to tackle just about any track, and a pearler Patrol with all the fruit. Plus, Roothy whips up a set of pork chops good enough to turn a tree-hugging hippie into a full-blown carnivore, and we head out on a club run with a difference. Yep, and all this in one action-packed DVD. IIf it was any bigger, your postie would need airbags on his motorbike!

  • Runtime 60 minutes
  • Created December 9, 2015 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified December 9, 2015 by
    Administrator admin