All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 The Dawn of Electronic Computing, 1935-1945

    • January 1, 1996

    In part one, the builders of the first five machines (the Bell Labs Model 1, the Zuse Z1-3, the Atanasoff-Berry Computer, the Harvard Mark1, and the SSEC) tell their stories.

  • S01E02 The First Computers, 1946-1950

    • January 1, 1996

    Part two focuses on the ENIAC, and the three lines of machines descending from it: the Eckert-Mauchly EDVAC, BINAC, and UNIVAC; Maurice Wilkes' EDSAC; and John Von Neumann's IAS machines and their clones the ILLIAC, MANIAC, etc.