All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Was Alan Greenspan a Hero or a Villain?

    • July 6, 2017
    • PBS

    Conversations in the Digital Age with Jim Zirin – Alan Greenspan served as Federal Reserve Chairman from 1987 to 2006. For many, he was the architect of American prosperity. For others, he was to blame for the 2008 financial crisis. Sebastian Mallaby, author of The Man Who Knew—The Life and Times of Alan Greenspan, tells Zirin that Greenspan failed to take action to avert the crisis.

  • S01E02 What is the Secret of Zagat's Success?

    • July 6, 2017
    • PBS

    Conversations in the Digital Age with Jim Zirin – In the 1970s, Nina and Tim Zagat as a hobby began to survey restaurant goers. They then processed the surveys and produced an eponymous restaurant guide that flourished into a major brand and a multi-million dollar business. They tell Jim how they did it with marketing skills and promotional instincts, and even disclose a few business secrets.

  • S01E03 What’s So Funny About The Universe?

    • July 6, 2017
    • PBS

    Conversations in the Digital Age with Jim Zirin – In his new cable talk show “Star Talk,” astrophysicist extraordinaire Neil deGrasse Tyson combines hilarity, pop culture, celebrity guests and science to the joy of his many fans. He tells Jim Zirin that levity combined with gravity is a recipe for learning about the universe, and just plain fun.

  • S01E04 What Goes into a Consummate Theatrical Director?

    • July 6, 2017
    • PBS

    Conversations in the Digital Age with Jim Zirin – Tony Award-winning musical revivals like South Pacific and The King and I. Riveting drama at Lincoln Center Theater like Awake and Sing! and Oslo. Grand opera at the Met. Few modern theatrical directors have shown the range and depth of Bart Sher. He tells Jim Zirin how he makes his work resonate with contemporary political themes.

  • S01E05 What Will Kelli O’Hara Do as an Encore?

    • September 19, 2017
    • PBS

    Kelli O’Hara came to New York from a small town in Oklahoma. She climbed every mountain, rocketing to stardom in the Broadway musical theater, and winning the coveted Tony as Best Leading Actress in the 2015 revival of The King and I. She tells Jim Zirin how she has acted out serious contemporary themes, all the while preserving the enduring musical values of the American songbook.

  • S01E06 Are the Scales of Justice Broken in America?

    • September 19, 2017
    • PBS

    True justice cannot be administered in every case, but when something goes wrong in our system, the outcome can be horrific. Top lawyer and former prosecutor Joel Cohen, author of the blockbuster book, Broken Scales, reflects on 10 cases of possible injustice, and tells Jim Zirin that we need to do better with our justice system.

  • S01E07 What Will David Rubenstein Do Next?

    • March 5, 2018
    • PBS

    A spectacularly successful entrepreneur, patriotic philanthropist, public servant in the Carter White House, and talk show host, David Rubenstein is a man for all seasons. He profiles his career with Jim Zirin, shares his economic forecast, assessment of the world situation, philanthropic passion, and what he sees as his legacy.

  • S01E08 What’s To Be Done About Economic Inequality?

    • March 7, 2018
    • PBS

    Peter Georgescu arrived in America as a refugee from Communist Romania and is now CEO of one of the largest advertising agencies. He has written a dynamite new book entitled Capitalists Arise!, arguing that society must correct the inequity that the richest 1% of our citizens own more wealth than the bottom 90%. Georgescu tells Jim we have to fix it or risk civil disorder.

  • S01E09 What Did Donald Trump Learn from Roy Cohn?

    • June 18, 2018
    • PBS

    In 1978, gifted writer Ken Auletta profiled for Esquire the pugnacious attorney Roy Cohn whom he called the "personification of evil." Cohn died in 1986 discredited and disbarred. Donald Trump was a Cohn client and close friend. He called Cohn his mentor. Ken Auletta tells Jim Zirin some of the dirty tricks Trump learned at the feet of the master of the smear.

  • S01E10 What Is the Case for Impeachment?

    • June 26, 2018
    • PBS

    American University History Professor Allan Lichtman is popularly known as the “prediction professor,” who accurately predicted the outcome in seven of the last nine presidential elections. The author of a fascinating book, The Case for Impeachment, he tells Jim Zirin that President Trump will be impeached before the end of his first term.

  • S01E11 Are We in the Most Dangerous Period Since World War II?

    • June 26, 2018
    • PBS

    In 2016, Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haass foresaw a “world in disarray” with daunting challenges in the presidential inbox. Today, as we face a spur-of-the-moment summit with North Korea, possible roll-back of the Iran nuclear deal, trade war with China, and tensions with the Russians over Syria, complicated by a domestic cloud over the presidency.

  • S01E12 Can We Fix Our Damaged Democracy?

    • July 17, 2018
    • PBS

    In a brilliant new book, LBJ Domestic Adviser and Carter Cabinet Member Joseph A. Califano, Jr. sees an American government broken by the partisan divide. He tells Jim we the people must act now to fix our polarized politics stalled by corrupting campaign finance, unfair partisan gerrymandering and deep differences in American society.

  • S01E13 Is There a "Lizard Wisdom" to Trump's Foreign Policy?

    • July 24, 2018
    • PBS

    David Brooks wrote a much-discussed Op-ed entitled “Trump’s Lizard Wisdom” in which he argued that Donald Trump’s mobster ties in business equipped him to deal with the thug minds running parts of today’s world. Council on Foreign Relations director of studies James M. Lindsay tells Jim Zirin that Trump's bull-in-a-china-shop techniques are fraught with peril.

  • S01E14 Will the House Flip in November?

    • July 24, 2018
    • PBS

    What will come of the Iran deal, the opening of the Jerusalem embassy, Trump's China stance, the meeting with Kim Jong-un? What will happen in the mid-term elections? If the House flips, will the new Congress file a bill of impeachment? Political analyst, pollster, author and Fox News contributor Doug Schoen tells Jim that the answers are the stuff polls are made on.

Season 2

  • S02E01 Will Success Spoil Eva Moskowitz?

    • October 23, 2018
    • PBS

    Guest: Eva Moskowitz, Founder and CEO of Success Academy Charter Schools, Author of “The Education of Eva Moskowitz"

  • S02E02 Why Does Ken Langone Love Capitalism?

    • October 23, 2018
    • PBS

    Guest: Ken Langone, Philanthropist, Co-Founder of Home Depot, Author of "I Love Capitalism"

  • S02E03 Can We Maintain Secure Border And Our Values Too?

    • October 23, 2018
    • PBS

    Jeh Johnson was the fourth Secretary of Homeland Security, the third largest agency in the government. Recently, we have seen gut wrenching family separations with unaccompanied children detained in a pop-up tent city in west Texas for two months or more. He tells Jim Zirin that we need immigration reform to avert a humanitarian crisis along the southern border.

  • S02E04 Who Will Control Congress in 2018?

    • November 26, 2018
    • PBS

    Five months ago, pollster Doug Schoen predicted that Democrats would flip the House of Representatives, and the GOP would retain control of the Senate. With some contests too close to call, Doug gives Jim his updated predictions, and argues that mid-terms a referendum on Donald Trump, and Brett Kavanaugh, as well.

  • S02E05 Does Donald Trump Really Respect Women?

    • November 26, 2018
    • PBS

    Donald Trump said, "there's nobody who has more respect for women than I do." From his three wives to Stormy, and Kristen, Trump’s record on women is flawed. Journalist Nina Burleigh, author of the red-hot book "Golden Handcuffs," did the research, and tells Jim Zirin that Trump has exaggerated. He is in her opinion a "disgusting misogynist."

  • S02E06 What Does Robert Mueller Have On Donald Trump?

    • November 26, 2018
    • PBS

    Robert Mueller has been silent, but the noose is tightening on Donald Trump. Mueller’s “witch hunt” has already resulted in two highly detailed indictments naming Russian nationals in conspiracies to influence the 2016 election. Seasoned investigative journalist and historian Garrett Graff tells Jim Zirin that the best is yet to come.

  • S02E07 Where Are the Legal Lions Of Yesteryear?

    • November 27, 2018
    • PBS

    Author Bob Piggott’s fascination is New York’s legal landmarks, mainly courthouses where the big cases went down. He finds in the City few monuments to the great lawyers and judges who sprang from the City’s bosom to make their mark, and tells Jim Zirin about their extraordinary accomplishments.

  • S02E08 Did Kim Play Trump in Singapore?

    • December 12, 2018
    • PBS

    Last June President Trump met with North Korea’s Kim Jong-un in Singapore about denuclearizing the Korean peninsula, and touted the talks as an instant success. Veteran diplomat Christopher Hill, is critical of the meeting, and tells Jim Zirin that Kim “played” Trump, gained a great deal, and, gave up very little.

  • S02E09 Do Art Critics Matter?

    • December 12, 2018
    • PBS

    Description: New York Magazine’s Senior Art Critic Jerry Saltz rarely misses a gallery or museum opening. With a stroke of a pen, he can make ordestroy a new artist. Known as the ”people’s critic,” he tells Jim Zirin what he likes, and what he detests about the art world, which he sees as increasingly obsessed with money. But do we need critics to tell us what art is good?

  • S02E10 Are Diversity and Sex Corrupting Our Culture?

    • February 13, 2019
    • PBS

    Guest Heather MacDonald, Author of “The Diversity Delusion: How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture” Heather MacDonald thinks outside the mainstream box. She sees many minority students mismatched with elite universities. She sees rape culture as a delusion, arguing women must take responsibility for their sexual conduct.

  • S02E11 Can We Save Our Planet?

    • February 13, 2019
    • PBS

    With two smash hits on the boards, To Kill a Mockingbird and My Fair Lady, Tony award winning director Bart Sher is the “King of old Broadway.” He tells Jim Zirin that he approached both plays with an eye to how they would resonate with the political, social and economic issues of our day.

  • S02E12 What Do Theater Directors Do?

    • March 20, 2019
    • PBS

    With two smash hits on the boards, To Kill a Mockingbird and My Fair Lady, Tony award winning director Bart Sher is the “King of old Broadway.” He tells Jim Zirin that he approached both plays with an eye to how they would resonate with the political, social and economic issues of our day.

  • S02E13 Is Facebook Doing More Harm Than Good?

    • April 2, 2019
    • PBS

    Activist Roger McNamee, author of the bestselling Zucked-Waking Up to the Facebook Catastrophe points to hate speech, dissemination of political propaganda resulting in voter suppression, and selling data without permission tells Jim Zirin that Mark Zuckerberg’s business model is dangerous and must be regulated.

  • S02E14 Is A Military Confrontation With China Inevitable?

    • April 2, 2019
    • PBS

    Former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd tells Jim Zirin that we can avoid the catastrophe that comes with China’s creeping expansionism if we engage with them in matters of mutual interest and push back robustly where they seek to displace us in the “struggle to secure the commanding heights” of the new technologies.

  • S02E15 Have We Come To Accept Fake News?

    • April 2, 2019
    • PBS

    The term “fake news” is associated with Donald Trump, but it was with us long before he promised to “Make America Great Again.” Former Columbia School of Journalism Dean Nicholas Lemann analyzes the problem and tells Jim Zirin there is a certain type of fake news that the country thinks is OK.