All Seasons

Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

  • S03E01 Episode 1

    • September 15, 2018
    • TV Asahi

    Surgeon Kaji Hideki, who was transferred to Teito Medical University’s Shizuoka 11th Branch Hospital, has a completely unexpected proposal made to him by hospital director Ito Shuichi. Ito wants to nominate Kaji to be a professor at the next election. While Kaji is exceedingly interested in money, he does not care for status and power. So he politely declines. However, three days later, Kaji becomes keenly aware of his mortality during a surgery. This makes him give more than a passing thought to his future. Kaji’s attitude quickly changes and he decides to come forward as a candidate. There is fortunately no rival in this election. He is promised the position of professor if he gets the votes of more than half of the seven professors. Kaji immediately receives strong financial backing from Shimizu Gonzo, a powerful man in the local financial community, and goes about garnering votes.

Season 4

  • S04E01 Episode 1

    • October 6, 2019
    • TV Asahi

    Seven years ago, when Kaji Hideki (Katsumura Masanobu) was still a surgeon at Teito Medical University’s Maebashi 27th Branch Hospital, he carried out an operation in absolute secrecy. That operation saved the life of Osawa Shoichiro (Honda Hirotaro), who recovered from a brain tumor and went on to win the elections in Gunma Prefecture. Several weeks later, Kaji received “red and white manju buns” as thanks. He went to an exclusive club in Ginza with this money and spent the night with a hostess called Shimada Misato (Kurashina Kana). Time went by. One day, Kaji, who was now a surgeon at Higashi Teito University Hospital, was contacted by Osawa who asked to meet. Kaji was excited to receive a call from Osawa who also served the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare and was acquainted with Hiruma Shigekatsu (Nishida Toshiyuki), the director of Higashi Teito University Hospital. Kaji’s career slumped after he met the freelance surgeon Daimon Michiko (Yonekura Ryoko).

Season 5

  • S05E01 Episode 1

    • October 4, 2020

    Kaji Hideki was ousted from Totei University Hospital and invited to the prestigious Seikyo University Hospital as a visiting associate professor. He meets Nasu Koichi, a senior associate professor who is the private hospital’s best surgeon and also very well regarded by fellow doctors as well as patients. Nasu not only has ample surgical achievements but has published many papers too. Even though he looks set to be the next professor, he shows completely no interest in power and puts his patients first. Meanwhile, a young basketball superstar Ohne Rui is hospitalised at Seikyo University Hospital for an abdominal aortic aneurysm.

Season 6

  • S06E01 Episode 1

    • October 7, 2021

     「腹腔鏡の魔術師」と呼ばれたスーパードクター・加地秀樹(勝村政信)の前に、とんでもなく高い壁が立ちはだかった! 現在、帝都医科大学付属横浜分院で働いている加地だが、なんと得意の腹腔鏡オペでミスを連発してしまうことに…。実はこのところ視力も落ちるわ、腰も痛いわ…見て見ぬふりをしていた《老い》が本格化し、思うようなパフォーマンスができなくなっていたのだ。そんな加地に病院長・植地正人(手塚とおる)から突き付けられたのは、離島にある分院の病院長ポスト打診という《事実上の戦力外通告》! しかも続けざまに、植地の秘書として働くカノジョ・江頭早苗(武田玲奈)が加地に見切りをつけ、莫大な資産を持つ余命6カ月の起業家・六車航平(満島真之介)に乗り換えていたことも判明する。手術ミスに失恋…と、ここに来て踏んだり蹴ったりの加地。そんな中、六車が最期までやり残したことをまっとうすべく入院を拒否し、なぜか加地を付き添いの主治医に指名! 2人は行動を共にすることになるのだが…。  余命宣告を受けてもなお、前向きに未来を語り、やりたいことを実現しようとする六車。そんな彼を目の当たりにし、己の限界に打ちひしがれてため息三昧の加地は、言葉にならない感情を抱き始める。  その矢先のことだ。六車の容態が急変した! ついに六車本人も自覚するほど、目の前に迫ってきた命の期限…。加地も医師として、強く入院を勧める。だが、六車はこれを真っ向から拒否。「やりたいことが、あとひとつあるんです。すごく大事なことなんです」と言いだし…!?