Home / Series / Equal / Aired Order / Season 1 / Episode 4

Stonewall: From Rebellion to Liberation

Police brutality towards patrons of the Stonewall Inn on June 28, 1969 sets off an uprising that rages for days and inspires the first-ever Pride marches. Activists and icons who were involved in that historic night share their stories, including: Latina trans rights pioneer Sylvia Rivera; founder of the Oscar Wilde Memorial Bookshop Craig Rodwell; journalist Mark Segal; gay civil rights leader and entertainer Stormé DeLarverie; Village Voice reporter Howard Smith; and Dick Leitsch, president of the Mattachine Society in the 1960s.

English español
Name Type Role
Stephen Kijak Showrunner
Eric Norsoph Executive Producer
Stephen Kijak Director
Gale Harold Actor Howard Smith
Hailie Sahar Actor Sylvia Rivera
Sam Pancake Actor Dick Leitsch
Scott Turner Schofield Actor Craig Rodwell
Cole Doman Actor Mark Segal
Elizabeth Faith Ludlow Actor Stormé DeLarverie