Home / Series / Extreme Makeover / Aired Order / Season 2 / Episode 10

Autumn & Jeff

Jeff, a 43-year-old factory worker from Kingsport, Tennessee, and Autumn, a 30-year-old fifth grade teacher from Santa Clarita, California, from their ""before"" phases, then as they undergo their various procedures and, finally, when the end results are revealed to their families and friends. In addition, resident style guru Sam Saboura transforms Arik, a 21-year-old UCLA student from Los Angeles, California, with a ""Mini-Extreme Makeover."" Autumn, a 30-year-old fifth grade teacher from Santa Clarita, California, suffers painful memories of childhood, when she was always considered less attractive than her three sisters. Autumn speaks candidly about how her mother's criticism of her looks affected her self-esteem. She undergoes intense facial and body surgery and endures an emotional journey to accept her new beauty. She also works with trainer Michael Thurmond, who sculpts and transforms her body with his intense workout regimen. Both her plastic surgeon, Dr. Perlman, and Michael Thurm

  • Originally Aired November 26, 2003
  • Runtime 45 minutes
  • Production Code 00016
  • Network ABC (US)
  • Created November 9, 2006 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified November 9, 2006 by
    Administrator admin
Name Type Role
Jeff Guest Star
Autumn Guest Star