
Full House

Full House is an American sitcom created by Jeff Franklin for ABC. The show chronicles a widowed father, who enlists his best friend and his brother-in-law to help raise his three daughters. It aired from September 22, 1987, to May 23, 1995, broadcasting eight seasons and 192 episodes.

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Season From To Episodes
All Seasons
Specials May 1997 August 2015 7
Season 1 September 1987 May 1988 22
Season 2 October 1988 May 1989 22
Season 3 September 1989 May 1990 24
Season 4 September 1990 May 1991 26
Season 5 September 1991 May 1992 26
Season 6 September 1992 May 1993 24
Season 7 September 1993 May 1994 24
Season 8 September 1994 May 1995 24
Unassigned Episodes 0
Season From To Episodes
All Seasons
Specials 0
Season 1 September 1987 May 1988 22
Unassigned Episodes 177
Absolute ordering places all episodes in a single ordered season. This is generally used for anime.
Season From To Episodes
Season 1 September 1987 May 1988 22
Unassigned Episodes 177
Name Number of Episodes Dates
Jeff Franklin 31 09/22/1987 - 02/09/1993
Bill Foster 23 03/10/1989 - 05/04/1990
Joel Zwick 19 09/22/1987 - 05/18/1993
Peter Baldwin 8 11/20/1987 - 02/24/1989
John Tracy 4 01/19/1993 - 03/16/1993
John Bowab 4 10/21/1988 - 02/17/1989
Lee Shallat Chemel 4 01/08/1988 - 11/04/1988
Tom Rickard 3 04/07/1989 - 04/06/1993
Howard Storm 3 10/23/1987 - 01/15/1988
Jack Shea 2 03/24/1989 - 04/14/1989
Richard Correll 2 10/02/1987 - 12/18/1987
Russ Petranto 1 03/18/1988
Tom Trbovich 1 10/16/1987
Don Barnhart 1 12/04/1987
Don VanAtta 1 11/06/1987
Steve Zuckerman 1 11/18/1988
Name Number of Episodes Dates
Lenny Ripps 17 10/02/1987 - 05/04/1990
Dennis Rinsler 12 11/11/1988 - 05/18/1993
Marc Warren 10 11/18/1988 - 05/18/1993
Kim Weiskopf 9 03/18/1988 - 03/09/1990
Russell Marcus 9 10/09/1987 - 03/18/1988
Rob Dames 8 11/04/1988 - 02/16/1990
Bob Fraser 5 11/04/1988 - 05/05/1989
Doug McIntyre 2 12/15/1989 - 01/25/1991
Richard H. Rossner 2 01/06/1989 - 05/05/1989
Julie Strassman-Cohn 2 01/12/1990 - 05/04/1990
Lawrence E. Hartstein 2 01/06/1989 - 05/05/1989
Shari Scharfer 2 01/12/1990 - 05/04/1990
Rob Edwards 2 03/18/1988 - 04/29/1988
Marc Warren (II) 1 11/11/1988
Ellen Guylas (I) 1 03/16/1993
Gene Braunstein 1 12/11/1987
Tom Burkhard 1 09/21/1993
Joan Brooker 1 10/23/1987
Bob Perlow 1 12/11/1987
David Ketchum 1 04/27/1990
Jamie Tatham 1 02/23/1993
Tony DiMarco 1 04/27/1990
Adrienne Armstrong 1 05/04/1993
Martie Cook 1 05/04/1993
Michael S. Baser 1 05/06/1988
Arthur Silver 1 12/18/1987
Cathy Jung 1 02/09/1993
Gigi Vorgan 1 01/26/1990
Ken Hecht 1 02/16/1993
Tom Amundsen 1 01/26/1993
Stacey Hur 1 04/06/1993
Jerry Winnick 1 01/05/1993
Chuck Tatham 1 02/23/1993
Ron Morgove 1 12/18/1987
Bobby Fine 1 01/26/1990
Mark Fink 1 01/19/1993
Nancy Eddo 1 10/23/1987

Full House Franchise

1 2 Equinox

Whatever happened to predictability?

90s Sitcoms

1 15 juanchoxyz


1 34 vincent2n

Every TV series broadcasted on the French channel.

All TV Series Seen in Full Throughout Life

1 203 WatchTillTandava

A comprehensive list of all TV series seen and experienced throughout my life from early childhood to the present day. Usually full completion including all seasons, but at least a mandatory minimum of one full season. Will include live action and Western animation/cartoons, but exclude anime, which is on a separate list.

Hollywood’s 100 Favorite TV Shows (2015)

1 101 Sr.Kin

What's the best TV show of all time? Who knows? This poll is strictly about favorite shows, the programs people in Hollywood hold nearest to their hearts — that remind them of better times or speak to their inner child or inspire their creativity or just help them unwind after a crappy day at the studio — even if one or two of the programs listed here aren't exactly masterpieces of the medium.

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