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Season 1

  • S01E01 Episode 1

    • September 24, 2018
    • НТВ

    The head of the Portov city police, Colonel Avdeev, fights crime with the most severe and decisive methods. And with this he very hinders the lawyer Medushevsky, striving to become the shadow owner of the city. After another successful operation, Avdeeva Medushevsky decides to get rid of the colonel. A gang of thugs in harlequin costumes attack a police motorcade and kill everyone except Avdeev himself, who miraculously manages to survive. At this time, Avdeev’s girlfriend, journalist of the local television channel Anna Loginova, witnesses a suspicious meeting between Medushevsky and mayor of Portovy Bachurin and vice-governor of the region Mitrokhin.

  • S01E02 Episode 2

    • September 24, 2018
    • НТВ

    Avdeev receives a tip on an old criminal case, stored in the archive of the St. Petersburg Central Internal Affairs Directorate, with which you can prove Medushevsky’s involvement in serious crimes. In the archive, he meets Andrei Vershinin, his friend at the orphanage. Having deceived the right thing, Avdeev returns to Portovy and dies in an accident. The case with evidence against Medushevsky at the scene of an accident is stolen by police majors Gubin and Romanyuk. Mitrokhin and Bachurin are going to promote their man, Lieutenant Colonel Knyazev, to the vacant post, but FSB General Burov manages to prevent this and facilitate the appointment of Vershinin to this post.

  • S01E03 Episode 3

    • September 25, 2018
    • НТВ

    Lieutenant Colonel Vershinin enters the course of affairs in a new place, gets acquainted with his deputy Knyazev and faces the first problems. He goes to the sealed house of Avdeev in the hope of finding information there that will shed light on the circumstances of his death, and meets Anna there. She notices that there are not enough things in the house. Their conversation is interrupted by the watchful outfit of the teaching staff ... Vershinin learns that the children from the orphanage are taken to the dolphinarium under suspicious circumstances. Trying to figure this out, he calls the children's ombudsman Korovin to himself, but runs into sharp resistance from the mayor Bachurin.

  • S01E04 Episode 4

    • September 25, 2018
    • НТВ

    There is another robbery of a collection vehicle. Nikitin asks to understand everything Medushevsky. Medushevsky is rubbed into confidence in Vershinin. The robberies of the collectors continue, and Vershinin comes up with a plan for their capture. He and Knyazev and other employees go round banks instead of collectors, but this does not give a result. Then, on the advice of Knyazev, Vershinin asked Bachurin for the real twenty million for this operation. Knyazev assures that in this way they can at the same time calculate the "mole". This time there is a robbery, which Loginova shoots on camera.

  • S01E05 Episode 5

    • September 26, 2018
    • НТВ

    Burov reports Vershinin for an uncoordinated operation to seize criminals who robbed collectors. On the way home, Vershinin rescues a girl who turned out to be his neighbor from a bully. In gratitude for her salvation, Olga invites him to visit. On television, Vershinin sees a report in which the robbers' car flashes. He appeals to the editorial staff of the TV channel for the source, not suspecting that he had already been ahead of Gubin and Romaniuk, who sent a friend video engineer to remove all materials from the server. Meanwhile, Medushevsky, with the help of his brother, manages to find out who is behind the robberies

  • S01E06 Episode 6

    • September 26, 2018
    • НТВ

    Vershinin meets with Anna Loginova, she gives him a saved copy of the robbery record. Vershinin comes to the conclusion that the traces of the robbers lead to the fighters of the Russian Guard ... Medushevsky makes it clear to Knyazev that he is aware of his connection with the gang robbing the collectors. Vershinin suggests that the robbers could have drowned a car in a lake that came across them along the way. He calls for help to the Ministry of Emergency Situations Oparin, who sends divers to explore the bottom of the lake. But at the bottom of it they find not at all what they were looking for ... Anna continues to spy on the orphanage, and she manages to rent a car in which children are transported.

  • S01E07 Episode 7

    • September 27, 2018
    • НТВ

    Vershinin conducts an operation to detain fighters of the Russian Guard, as a result of which all suspects in the robberies of collectors die. From Novikov, Vershinin learns that fighters of the Russian Guard have died from shots from a rifle belonging to an unknown sniper. The forensic scientist also reports that all the people found at the bottom of the lake were killed in the same way - by shooting at the temple on the right side, and all were connected by the same type of sea knot. Meanwhile, Vershinin’s acquaintance with Olga turns into a novel. In the morning, at the gates of his house, Medushevsky discovers a murdered group of young people. Among them, Vershinin recognizes one of Yakovlev’s guards.

  • S01E08 Episode 8

    • September 27, 2018
    • НТВ

    Gubin secretly comes to Novikov’s office to clean up the evidence ... Nikitin finds his eldest son German killed in a drug overdose. The boy Petya Karelin disappeared in the orphanage. The director of the orphanage Zotova is very worried, but she does not care about the fate of Petya. Starting to study the circumstances of the disappearance of the child, Vershinin notices discrepancies in the testimony of the director and the teacher.

  • S01E09 Episode 9

    • October 1, 2018
    • НТВ

    Oparin tells Vershinin that among the corpses recovered from the bottom of the lake, he recognized the CSS investigator who was working on the case of the missing assistant prosecutor Vasilevsky. However, the glass eye, by which one could be identified, strangely disappeared before the bodies arrived at the forensic expert. The search team organized by Vershinin finds Petya Karelin who escaped from the orphanage dead. Yulia Vershinin’s daughter comes to Portovy and first gets to the station where she meets Artem Yakovlev, who was detained for driving without a license.

  • S01E10 Episode 10

    • October 1, 2018
    • НТВ

    Gubin receives a task from Knyazev to kill Svetlichny - fake adoptive parents of Masha Karelina. Julia, together with her new acquaintances - Artyom and Yura - throws a large-scale party in the country, where she tries the drug and falls into a coma. Yura brings her to the hospital. There, unknown people are trying to kill her, but the return of the nurse interferes with her plan. Having learned about what happened, Vershinin arranges a round-up at the site of a youth party.

  • S01E11 Episode 11

    • October 2, 2018
    • НТВ

    During Vershinin’s stay in the cell, the attackers manage to burn down the drug production workshop and kill Oparin. In addition, from the doctor Vershinin learns that Julia someone intentionally injected insulin, causing a sharp deterioration in the condition. Now Vershinin is sure that there is a traitor in his circle. Having come to Olga, Vershinin catches her a suspicious man, whom Olga represents as his classmate. But Vershinin has reason not to believe her. Now Andrew can only trust Anna, a relationship with which develops into a love affair. To avert Vershinin’s suspicions, Romaniuk and Knyazev decide to portray official zeal and take the right hand of Yakovlev - Sibirtsev in the drug club.

  • S01E12 Episode 12

    • October 2, 2018
    • НТВ

    Having learned that his brother died because of Yakovlev’s “business”, Nikitin’s son is ready to surrender all drug traffic to Vershinin. Medushevsky pretends to try to resolve the conflict between businessmen, but in fact pits them even more. Vershinin receives from Burov a list of snipers, in which he discovers the name of Vladimir Medushevsky, who allegedly died during the Chechen war. Anna conducts her own investigation into the illegal adoption of Masha Karelina and finds out that her adoptive parents

  • S01E13 Episode 13

    • October 3, 2018
    • НТВ
  • S01E14 Episode 14

    • October 3, 2018
    • НТВ
  • S01E15 Episode 15

    • October 4, 2018
    • НТВ

    An employee of the police archive - Major Andrei Vershinin - is suddenly promoted and transferred to the border town of Portovy. Vershinin will occupy the post of head of the Internal Affairs Directorate instead of the recently deceased Colonel Avdeev. The new boss is met coldly: his subordinates are almost openly in conflict with him, and the press and the public, excited by the recent series of robberies, are simply outraged by this appointment ...

  • S01E16 Episode 16

    • October 4, 2018
    • НТВ

    The only loyal companion of Vershinin is journalist Anna Loginova: together they must figure out what is happening in the city of lawlessness. For a short period of time, the hero will have to prove his competence in solving crimes and not back down even in an atmosphere of general mistrust.

Season 2

  • S02E01 Episode 1

    • October 14, 2019
    • НТВ

    Vershinin almost recovered from his wound and is ready to return to service. But he doesn’t have time to leave the hospital when an assassination attempt against Gleb Borisov and Yura Nikitin, which continued his father’s business after his death, takes place in Portovoy. Jura interferes with many of those who claim to own a port, including the Moscow Resources Corporation.

  • S02E02 Episode 2

    • October 14, 2019
    • НТВ

    Medushevsky, who is under investigation, is about to announce the verdict. He hopes for the support of the corporation. Alexei Khaletsky, the manager of the Yakovlev club, intends to take Yakovlev's business to a new level. He meets with Yura when he visits Borisov’s hospital and makes it clear that he will have to resume drug supplies through the port. Yura refuses. That night, Borisov was killed in a hospital. Vershinin understands that it is time to assemble a new team and begin active work.

  • S02E03 Episode 3

    • October 15, 2019
    • НТВ

    A former accomplice Yakovleva Rusov comes to Khaletsky who is interested in continuing to supply drugs to St. Petersburg. Khaletsky is forced to intensify the sale of drugs on the streets. Vershinin continues to investigate the attempt on Nikitin and Borisov. The evidence points to the serious training of the attackers and their connection with the highest army leadership. Yura himself is also not going to sit back and decides to take revenge on the murderers of his godmother on his own ... Medushevsky orders his man to force pensioner Zemaitis to change the evidence given against him.

  • S02E04 Episode 4

    • October 15, 2019
    • НТВ

    Ilyina puts pressure on Vershinin - murders in the city should stop. Meanwhile, Khaletsky abducts Yura and tries to force him to abandon the business by torture. But Yura refuses to make a deal with him. The opera finds out that behind the sale of drugs in Portovoy is Khaletsky, on whom all crime is locked. Vershinin will have to figure out what is happening ... At this time, father Vladimir Davydova leaves the prison. He offers his daughter a deal: telling her about the place where Khaletsky can hold Yura in exchange for help in opening a sports club.

  • S02E05 Episode 5

    • October 16, 2019
    • НТВ

    Vershinin with riot police storms a country house in which they hold Yura. However, Khaletsky has nothing to present except kidnapping. Vershinin understands that more powerful forces were involved in the assassination of Yura and the murder of Gleb Borisov ... Thanks to his connections, Medushevsky is released directly from the courtroom. First of all, the lawyer contacts his wife Kristina, who once contributed to his arrest ... A maniac appears in the city. He already has several rape and murders.

  • S02E06 Episode 6

    • October 16, 2019
    • НТВ

    Gubin, whom Vershinin left in his team, takes the matter under his personal control, but searches in hot pursuit lead to a dead end. And the killings continue. Vershinin receives the case file at a private Baltic military corporation, which may be involved in an attempt to seize the port. Davydova has her first problems with her father: he forces her to “protect” an underground fighting club, and, of course, secretly from Vershinin.

  • S02E07 Episode 7

    • October 17, 2019
    • НТВ

    In Portovoy, the girl was raped and killed. This episode is the third in a short time. Vershinin requires Gubin to take active measures to capture the rapist. Pugachev worries about Diana - according to Pug, she became interested in some kind of muddy type ... Between Kovak and Ilyina there is a discord - Ilyina is afraid of her lover. Medushevsky takes advantage of this, having at his disposal leverage over the future mayor of Portovoy.

  • S02E08 Episode 8

    • October 17, 2019
    • НТВ

    Now operas have a living witness who can identify the perpetrator. According to Diana Davydova’s testimony, she understands that the maniac is her brother Yegor ... Vershinin sends operas to monitor the suspicious activity of Serge and his people in the port. Inexperienced Komarov comes across to Serge. Realizing that his employee is in mortal danger, Vershinin decides to storm the port with riot police.

  • S02E09 Episode 9

    • October 18, 2019
    • НТВ

    Kristina finds out where Yura is hiding, and reports this to Medushevsky, hoping that he will let her go. Medushevsky instructs the Bear to kill Nikitin. At the same time, the top manager of Moscow Resources Corporation Lupanov is found dead in a hotel room. Vershinin suspects that this is the work of Serge. But who killed Yura - this remains to be seen.

  • S02E10 Episode 10

    • October 18, 2019
    • НТВ

    Gubin's mother needs surgery and expensive treatment. Gubin decides to take a desperate step - but for this he needs to go to Serge himself ... oligarch Isakov comes to Portovy - he wants to find out who killed Lupanov. For Kovak and Serge, his visit does not bode well - there is a video recording that shows how they went to his room before the murder of Lupanov. Isakov, who does not trust anyone, puts Colonel Zharov to Kovak - supposedly to ensure security, but in fact - to control the actions of a wayward partner. Davydova and Komarov go on the trail of the killer Bear.

  • S02E11 Episode 11

    • October 21, 2019
    • НТВ

    Vershinin is investigating a shootout on the road in which Gubin was wounded and five were killed, but for some reason they left alive a witness - Masha. He forbids her to tell anyone that she was at the site of the shootout. This raid was made by the people of Davydov on the orders of Medushevsky. Christine, fulfilling the task of Medushevsky to get to know Isakov closer, sets a bug in his room. Isakov still has no opportunity to transport weapons abroad, despite the fact that the people of Zharov recaptured him from the police.

  • S02E12 Episode 12

    • October 21, 2019
    • НТВ

    The new curator of Stas Komarova, Lodygin, demands that he, by any means, rub himself in confidence in Masha Davydova. Valeria gives Vershinin a flash drive with a recording from the surveillance camera at Lupanov’s number. It shows how Kovak and Serge enter the room a few minutes before his death. Jamal comes to the pre-trial detention center on a date to Khaletsky and demands that their agreements be fulfilled - to provide him access to the port for organizing drug trafficking. Khaletsky agrees to an investigative experiment at the scene of the incident, during which the people of Jamal arrange his escape. Ilyina was tired that Medushevsky was manipulating her, and she asked her secretary Roman to find incriminating evidence against the presumptuous lawyer.

  • S02E13 Episode 13

    • October 22, 2019
    • НТВ

    Head of security Isakova Zharov finds secret data from Kovak’s mail on Gubin’s phone. Under torture, Gubin is ready to admit not only that he is an agent of Vershinin, but also that he works for Medushevsky and killed Lupanov. Zharov orders to get rid of Gubin. Ilyina meets with Zhemaitis and offers to give a stroke to the dirt on Medushevsky. Medushevsky is ready to help Jamal with the transport of drugs. He sees in it a powerful force, ready to challenge Moscow Resources.

  • S02E14 Episode 14

    • October 22, 2019
    • НТВ

    Upon learning that Gubin was tortured, Vershinin raids the port. Kovak demands that Mark fulfill the order for Medushevsky, otherwise Christina will suffer, to whom Mark feels sympathy. But Medushevsky did a lot for Mark. Ilyina’s daughter Zhemaitis comes and reports about the murder of her father, whom Ilyina promised safety in exchange for incriminating evidence. Ilyina realizes that she put herself under attack. Zharov orders Pavlov to provoke Vershinin so that he would be removed from his post and Moscow Resources could put their police chief in Portovoy. After the murder of Pavlov, Vershinin was temporarily removed from office from the service weapon.

  • S02E15 Episode 15

    • October 23, 2019
    • НТВ

    Jamal and his fighters kidnap Ilyina near the restaurant. They hide her outside the city, introduce a serum of truth and record an interview on a camera in which Ilyina admits that she is not going to fulfill campaign promises and calls voters a cattle. Medushevsky gives way to scandalous material, and Ilyina’s political career is collapsing before our eyes. Kristina comes to Vershinin: Medushevsky wants to kill her. Vershinin is ready to help in exchange for testimony against Kovak, but a patrol appears and detains her on suspicion of double murder. Pugachev was appointed interim chief of the city police.

  • S02E16 Episode 16

    • October 23, 2019
    • НТВ

    While Jamal keeps Ilyin hostage, Medushevsky manages to promote Shustov as mayor. The balance of power in Portovoy is changing - Moscow Resources is clearly losing ground. Meanwhile, the opera continues to seek evidence of Vershinin’s involvement in the murder of Pavlov and is faced with an unexpected obstacle in the person of Pugachev. He is sure that it was Vershinin who killed Pavlova, and does not want to give the investigation a move.

  • S02E17 Episode 17

    • October 24, 2019
    • НТВ

    Jamal’s people take cargo at the port and take them to their base, where part of the boxes are loaded into another car. Vershinin finds out about this in advance, and as a result of a special operation, he manages to detain his younger brother Jamal. Escaping from the Caucasian fighters, Khaletsky and Ilyina return to the city, where they are not at all happy about their appearance. Medushevsky has to look for new ways to put pressure on both.

  • S02E18 Episode 18

    • October 24, 2019
    • НТВ

    Pugachev goes to the detention center on charges of extorting a bribe from Diana. To understand what happened, Vershinin and Gubin go to St. Petersburg to Dashkevich and find out that the CSS has been deliberately digging for their department for a long time. Vershinin understands that in order to save Pugachev, one must act decisively. At this time, Davydova, following Komarov, becomes a witness to his secret meeting with Major Lodygin. She understands that all this time Komarov just used her.

  • S02E19 Episode 19

    • October 25, 2019
    • НТВ

    Jamal with his people makes an attack on the ambulance, hoping to arrange an escape to his brother, but in time Gubin, who has arrived in time, repels the Caucasians, and they die in a shootout. Medushevsky convinces Isakov to get rid of Kovak. Suddenly, in a cafe, Khaletsky abducts Vika - the guard recognized him as a runaway prisoner, and in order to leave, he was forced to take a hostage.

  • S02E20 Episode 20

    • October 25, 2019
    • НТВ

    Vershinin, fulfilling the conditions set by the kidnapper, goes to meet with Khaletsky alone. Kovak quarrels with Ilyina and plans to flee the country without her on a ship that smuggles weapons. Isakov instructs Zharov to kill Kovak. An opera who also learned about Kovak’s plans also leaves for the port. Moving all the arrows to Kovak, Medushevsky, it would seem, is again slipping away from justice. But Vershinin and his team do not give up, let alone Khaletsky agrees to cooperate with the police.