All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 The Root Cause of Disease: Rising Above Stress & Mood Illnesses

    • June 2, 2020
    • Gaia

    Herbs and supplements that are extremely effective for stress and depression, outperforming SSRIs and other psychiatric drugs. An ancient practice that coordinates the eyes, mind, body, and breath to calm the body, boost energy, and heal your brain. Why lifestyle-related diseases are society's heaviest health burden, and how an epidemic of chronic stress leads to dysfunctional behaviors. A remarkable personal technique that can change your state of mind in minutes, no matter where you are. The one wellness practice that all Harvard Medical School students are being taught, to help them overcome stress and stay sane.

  • S01E02 Reversing Autoimmune Disorders & Healing Your Gut

    • June 3, 2020
    • Gaia

    How to prevent leaky gut and the autoimmune diseases it causes. The fascinating and superactive community of microorganisms that populate your gut and call a lot of the shots when it comes to your physical and mental health. The astonishing immune-balancing power of functional mushrooms. Miracle herbs that quiet inflammation, help your body absorb nutrients and keep your energy strong. A science-backed practice from the Far East that is remarkably effective for treating IBS and other digestive disorders. How to fill your diet with the "good" bacteria and the powerful impacts this can have on your overall health.

  • S01E03 Brain Health & Restoring Cognitive Function

    • June 4, 2020
    • Gaia

    Everything from healing tragic neurodegenerative conditions - to using specific supplements and herbs to achieve higher cognitive function... We're talking about enhanced memory, clarity, focus and overall mind power. Our experts also reveal some easy brain-boosting hacks they use every single day to stay at the top of their field. We'll be uncovering a breakthrough protocol that is giving back hope to folks who suffer from Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, and multiple sclerosis. This one goes deep. Western medicine offers precious little help for neurodegenerative conditions. In that paradigm, a diagnosis is often a life sentence.

  • S01E04 Solving Fatigue & Insomnia

    • June 5, 2020
    • Gaia

    Specific energy herbs that boost overall vitality. Effective and gentle sleep herbs and supplements that will heal your Zzzz's. 2 of the most common causes of fatigue, that most of us are unaware of. An easy and powerful practice that resets and recharges your body in minutes. A lifestyle recipe for the best night's sleep of your life, from The Sleep Doctor himself. DIY functional tests that you can do to get to the bottom of why you feel tired or are not getting a full night's sleep.

  • S01E05 The Answer to Heart Disease, Diabetes & Obesity

    • June 6, 2020
    • Gaia

    A revolutionary practice that can transform the health of your blood cells in minutes - this one is shocking the scientific community. 2 "heart herbs" that are shown to beat statins and other potentially dangerous drugs for heart and blood health. A two thousand year old personal practice that is shown to improve heart function, enhance circulation and benefit blood disorders. Specific movements and exercises that anyone can do to improve overall circulation, boost metabolism and prevent diabetes and heart disease. 3 extraordinary superfoods that promote better circulation, balance appetite, and reduce cravings for the unhealthy stuff. A dangerous and often overlooked habit that can spike your blood sugar, increase hypertension and put you at risk of diabetes... many of us do this without realizing it!

  • S01E06 Overcoming Pain

    • June 7, 2020
    • Gaia

    Cutting edge technologies that professional athletes use to quiet pain, reduce inflammation and heal the underlying cause. Manual pain therapies that were once shunned, but are now taking the world by storm. Potent natural pain medicines with stacks and stacks of data showing their effectiveness and safety. Electromagnetic pulse treatments that are proven to decrease pain and inflammation in minutes. Wearable technologies that help you hone in on underlying causes of pain, so you can heal it for good.

  • S01E07 Healing Emotional & Physical Trauma

    • June 8, 2020
    • Gaia

    A breakthrough discovery on how to rewire your brain and reclaim happiness, clarity and balance after tragedy and trauma. An extraordinary healing tool for PTSD. Proven approaches for expressing emotions that cannot be spoken out loud. How a major leap in biotechnology is reversing physical trauma in professional athletes. A fast and easy questionnaire you can take that will tell you whether your brain and body are traumatized or not.

  • S01E08 Preventing & Healing Cancer

    • June 9, 2020
    • Gaia

    Simple lifestyle habits and practices that have scientifically PROVEN cancer-preventive benefits. A naturally-occurring chemical that stops metastasis and helps prevent certain cancers. The hidden carcinogenic influences of modern life — more than just bad foods! Why wild animals do not have inflammation — a major piece of the cancer puzzle — and what we can learn from them and their habitat.

  • S01E09 Peak Reproductive Health, Fertility and Hormone Balance

    • June 10, 2020
    • Gaia

    Two fantastic herbs for women’s hormone regulation. Ancestral healing practices that provide pleasure and strengthen health. Suppressed research from Europe, Asia, and the Americas on hidden causes of birth defects. Looking into the “magic mirror” of our skin and what it has to tell us.

  • S01E10 Boosting Your Immune System & Fighting Viruses

    • June 20, 2020
    • Gaia

    In Episode 10, you're going to be hearing from renowned doctors, naturopaths and traditional healers. They will be sharing science-backed alternative medicines to fortify your system -- and eliminate viruses and harmful bacterial infections. Here's some of what you'll learn: • The survival secrets of an Emergency MD who is on the frontline, treating COVID-19 patients every day. She'll be sharing the alternative practices she uses to stay healthy. • A hidden infection that many of us are currently living with - even though we probably don't know it. This can deplete our immune system and make us more vulnerable to new viruses and bacterial infections. • 3 supplements that every single one of us should be taking daily to turbocharge our immune system and keep viruses at bay. • A breakthrough therapy that strengthens your immune system, kills viruses and boosts your ATP (the fuel for your cells) by 600% - raising energy levels. • An easy and effective daily habit that strengthens our natural defenses against serious disease and boosts our longevity. • The #1 underlying cause of COVID-related deaths, and what we can do to eliminate this risk from our lives, through lifestyle and alternative healing solutions.