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Season 1

  • S01E01 Episodio 1

    Eda desidera più di ogni altra cosa diventare architetto paesaggista, ma Serkan Bolat distrugge il suo sogno cancellando i fondi per la borsa di studio che avrebbe permesso ad Eda di studiare in Italia. Durante una conferenza all'università, Eda ha un faccia a faccia con Serkan e lo accusa di averle tarpato le ali. Furiosa e amareggiata, Eda si reca nel parcheggio dell'università e decide di vandalizzare l'auto di Serkan, pensando di non essere vista. Il giovane imprenditore, protetto dai vetri oscurati della sua auto, assiste a tutta la scena e al momento opportuno apre lo sportello ed inveisce contro la ragazza. I due hanno un battibecco ed Eda, in un impeto di rabbia, afferra un paio di manette (un gadget che accompagna una partecipazione di nozze) dalla macchina di Serkan e decide di ammanettarsi a lui. Serkan ha un appuntamento importante e propone ad Eda di accompagnarlo, promettendole che dopo l'incontro di lavoro si recheranno da un fabbro che li libererà.

  • S01E02 Episodio 2

    Eda aiuta Serkan a convincere il signor Evren a vendergli un terreno e nel frattempo Melo, Figen e Ceren cercano disperatamente Eda, ma senza risultati. Dopo aver concluso l'accordo con Evren, Serkan e Eda si incontrano con Engin. Quest'ultimo ha portato con sé un fabbro e un muratore per togliere le manette a Serkan e Eda, ma l'unica che riuscirà nell'intendo sarà Figen, con una semplice forcina per capelli. Eda si allontana da Serkan dicendogli che spera di non vederlo mai più, ma poco tempo dopo si rende conto che ha dimenticato il suo cellulare e la sua borsa nell'auto dell'imprenditore. Eda si reca alla Art Life per riprendere le sue cose ed ha una discussione accesa con Serkan. La sera stessa Eda incontra Cenk, ma l'incontro non va come Eda aveva sperato. Una volta tornata a casa, Melo propone a Eda un lavoro come assistente di volo e Eda accetta.

Additional Specials

  • SPECIAL 0x1 Sem çal Kapimi 1

    • April 4, 2022

    Eda Yildiz won a scholarship to study abroad during her senior year in high school, but when her scholarship was discontinued at the last moment, Eda's life turned upside down, resulting in her being expelled and leaving her a high school graduate. For months, she has tried to reach Serkan Bolat, who cuts off her scholarship but cannot access him. She starts a flower shop with her aunt in the meantime. One day, when Eda finds out where Serkan Bolat is going to speak, she comes to confront him. They are forced to spend a day handcuffed to each other. Eda's impulsiveness, their hatred for each other, and their irresistible attraction drags them into a game they will have to play for a long time.

  • SPECIAL 0x2 Sem çal Kapimi

    • April 4, 2022

    Eda Yildiz won a scholarship to study abroad during her senior year in high school, but when her scholarship was discontinued at the last moment, Eda's life turned upside down, resulting in her being expelled and leaving her a high school graduate. For months, she has tried to reach Serkan Bolat, who cuts off her scholarship but cannot access him. She starts a flower shop with her aunt in the meantime. One day, when Eda finds out where Serkan Bolat is going to speak, she comes to confront him. They are forced to spend a day handcuffed to each other. Eda's impulsiveness, their hatred for each other, and their irresistible attraction drags them into a game they will have to play for a long time.

  • SPECIAL 0x3 Sen Çal Kapimi 3

    • April 4, 2022

    Eda Yildiz won a scholarship to study abroad during her senior year in high school, but when her scholarship was discontinued at the last moment, Eda's life turned upside down, resulting in her being expelled and leaving her a high school graduate. For months, she has tried to reach Serkan Bolat, who cuts off her scholarship but cannot access him. She starts a flower shop with her aunt in the meantime. One day, when Eda finds out where Serkan Bolat is going to speak, she comes to confront him. They are forced to spend a day handcuffed to each other. Eda's impulsiveness, their hatred for each other, and their irresistible attraction drags them into a game they will have to play for a long time.

  • SPECIAL 0x3 Sen Çal Kapimi 3

    • April 4, 2022

    Eda Yildiz won a scholarship to study abroad during her senior year in high school, but when her scholarship was discontinued at the last moment, Eda's life turned upside down, resulting in her being expelled and leaving her a high school graduate. For months, she has tried to reach Serkan Bolat, who cuts off her scholarship but cannot access him. She starts a flower shop with her aunt in the meantime. One day, when Eda finds out where Serkan Bolat is going to speak, she comes to confront him. They are forced to spend a day handcuffed to each other. Eda's impulsiveness, their hatred for each other, and their irresistible attraction drags them into a game they will have to play for a long time.

  • SPECIAL 0x4 Game of lovers 1

    • April 4, 2022

    The stress of receiving three stressful phone calls resulted in Eda fainting once again in Serkan's arms. Matters are a bit serious this time though, as Selin and Ferit want to come visit them at their shared "home" But there's no such "home" together. Preparations need to made and the notice given is so short. While Eda is busy panicking, all Serkan thinks about is work, work and work again. Eda's friends are certain that Serkan is having an affair with Selin, after catching them red-handed at the restaurant. Eda is trying to get the house ready while she tries to convince them that everything is OK. Eda, after doing her best to please her guests all day, the unexpected news is that she's running out of patience. And things, are at the brink of getting out of hand.

  • SPECIAL 0x4 Game of lovers 1

    • April 4, 2022

    The stress of receiving three stressful phone calls resulted in Eda fainting once again in Serkan's arms. Matters are a bit serious this time though, as Selin and Ferit want to come visit them at their shared "home" But there's no such "home" together. Preparations need to made and the notice given is so short. While Eda is busy panicking, all Serkan thinks about is work, work and work again. Eda's friends are certain that Serkan is having an affair with Selin, after catching them red-handed at the restaurant. Eda is trying to get the house ready while she tries to convince them that everything is OK. Eda, after doing her best to please her guests all day, the unexpected news is that she's running out of patience. And things, are at the brink of getting out of hand.

  • SPECIAL 0x5 Game of lovers

    • April 4, 2022

    The stress of receiving three stressful phone calls resulted in Eda fainting once again in Serkan's arms. Matters are a bit serious this time though, as Selin and Ferit want to come visit them at their shared "home" But there's no such "home" together. Preparations need to made and the notice given is so short. While Eda is busy panicking, all Serkan thinks about is work, work and work again. Eda's friends are certain that Serkan is having an affair with Selin, after catching them red-handed at the restaurant. Eda is trying to get the house ready while she tries to convince them that everything is OK. Eda, after doing her best to please her guests all day, the unexpected news is that she's running out of patience. And things, are at the brink of getting out of hand.

  • SPECIAL 0x5 Game of lovers 2

    • April 4, 2022

    The stress of receiving three stressful phone calls resulted in Eda fainting once again in Serkan's arms. Matters are a bit serious this time though, as Selin and Ferit want to come visit them at their shared "home" But there's no such "home" together. Preparations need to made and the notice given is so short. While Eda is busy panicking, all Serkan thinks about is work, work and work again. Eda's friends are certain that Serkan is having an affair with Selin, after catching them red-handed at the restaurant. Eda is trying to get the house ready while she tries to convince them that everything is OK. Eda, after doing her best to please her guests all day, the unexpected news is that she's running out of patience. And things, are at the brink of getting out of hand.