All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Seeing the Roots of Scarcity Thinking

    • Gaia

    Join the experts as they explore how and why scarcity thinking gets embedded in our subconscious programming from an early age. With any personal development or change, awareness is the first step. This Masterclass will shine a bright light of awareness on the root of the problem.

  • S01E02 Stopping Scarcity and Dis-ease

    • Gaia

    Scarcity thinking leads to fear, tension, stress... and ultimately dysfunction and disease. Discover how you can stop scarcity thinking in its tracks to avoid burnout and stress-related illnesses, and change your mind to create a life of health, wealth and prosperity.

  • S01E03 Breaking Free From Scarcity Thinking - Part 1

    • Gaia

    Actively and consciously choose your beliefs so that you can break free from scarcity and create real and lasting change in your life. Discover the keys to creating the kind of life you truly want to live, filled with purpose, passion and in alignment with your highest values. Embrace you.

  • S01E04 Breaking Free From Scarcity Thinking - Part 2

    • Gaia

    Take your visualization and manifestation techniques to the next level in this Masterclass. Discover how a few simple tweaks to your process can turbocharge your results in creating the life you truly desire.

  • S01E05 Moving From Competition to Cooperation

    • Gaia

    The drive to compete actually keeps us locked into a system that feeds on itself. Jealousy, envy, constantly comparing and measuring lead inexorably to the feeling of ‘not enough’. Discover a better way; a way that honors our unique gifts and allows us to collaborate, create, and have more fun all while accessing greater abundance and prosperity in our lives.

  • S01E06 Dealing with Distractions

    • Gaia

    Distractions stop you from being the best version of you that you can be. It’s that simple. And yet, they are often so seductive and pervasive. Discover how to deal with distractions, addictions, and obsessions, and access your authentic creative potential to be and do extraordinary things.

  • S01E07 The Importance of Community Mentors and Masterminds

    • Gaia

    No one is an island. Together we can do so much more... faster, better, and with a greater sense of connection, meaning, and fulfillment. However, not everyone in the world will lift you up or inspire you to be your best self. Discover how to create a community of like-minded people who will turbocharge your progress to abundance, and how to have clear boundaries with those who might not be supporting your growth.

  • S01E08 The Quest, Your Path, Your Journey - Part 1

    • Gaia

    Everyone has a unique path to follow. Your path and my path are not the same. Discover how to get clear on what your unique path is, step out of the fear mode, open up to change and access your true sense of purpose.

  • S01E09 The Quest, Your Path, Your Journey - Part 2

    • Gaia

    Step into your own authentic life. Claim your true power and create a life that you love living every day. You have something unique and amazing to offer to the world. Everyone does. Discover how to dig down deep inside yourself and find your unique mission and purpose.

  • S01E10 What is Abundance?

    • Gaia

    What is YOUR abundance? Not anyone else’s. What is the true life of abundance YOU really want to create? What does it look like? How can you get clarity on that? This masterclass will help you find the answers.

  • S01E11 How Giving Back, Gives Back

    • Gaia

    Having an impact, a positive impact, on others with something you say, something you teach, or something you give or do... even just a look or a smile... is incredibly rewarding. Giving back gives back. Our experts share how giving back can transform you, your community and your life so that you can experience more abundance, joy, and meaning every single day.