All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Episode 1

    • September 3, 1988
    • BBC One

    The engines roar. The wheels roll. The great adventure is on. Noel Edmonds and his crew travel the world to bring you a show brimming with new features from places that other shows cannot reach. This first programme makes broadcasting history: the team are in the Channel Tunnel

  • S01E02 Episode 2

    • September 10, 1988
    • BBC One

    It's hot! It's steamy! It's exotic! It's sensational! No - this isn't an advert for a late-night film - it's the next roadshow location. So, baggy shorts and stout boots at the ready. The men had better wear something practical as well. Who knows who may be encountered among the lichen and moss: Bros?

  • S01E03 Episode 3

    • September 17, 1988
    • BBC One

    Do not throw away! This is your invitation' The show that never stops moving goes up-market. Formal dress required for a regal location. Please admit one. Tiaras optional.

  • S01E04 Episode 4

    • September 24, 1988
    • BBC One

    If your teeth are chattering, tell them to shut up or you'll miss the best bits. Rub noses with your neighbour - you may be huddling together sooner than you think. Zip up your parka and leave a note for the milkman. We're going out and we may be some time

  • S01E05 Episode 5

    • October 1, 1988
    • BBC One

    While summer is still here, we've put up the bunting, made all the jams and stocked up with white elephants. Don't miss your chance to enter our Grand Prize Draw. Your lucky number is below.

  • S01E06 Episode 6

    • October 8, 1988
    • BBC One

    The sun beats down, the sand gets everywhere and the camels have got the hump. Where's the show this week? Not on a Club 18-30 holiday (worse luck!). Perhaps loitering within a tent

  • S01E07 Episode 7

    • October 15, 1988
    • BBC One

    Howdy pardners! Dang ma britches and whop ma hide if we ain't off on the root'n'est toot'n'est roadshow that ever hit the trail. So saddle up, you pesky varmints, and ride a spell with us, our phone games, our special guests and our 'Wait Till I Get You Home' kinfolk as we head out west.... and we don't mean Penzance. Yee-haw! (We've run out of cowboy slang now)

  • S01E08 Episode 8

    • October 22, 1988
    • BBC One

    Comrades! Perestroika has arrived. Here's your chance to sample the vodka, the borshch, the vodka, the cossack dancing, the vodka, the annual beetroot harvest celebrations in Novosibirsk, and some more vodka. Yes, this Saturday, after the last ball has hit the back of the final 'niet', you'll be saying 'da' to the roadshow ... unless you're under 2 years of age, in which case you'll be saying 'da da'. Be there - or be Red Square

  • S01E09 Episode 9

    • October 29, 1988
    • BBC One

    Cardsharks and croupiers beware, the high rollers are in town. When the chips are down we pass the vinegar. We're putting the Roadshow shirt on red and we don't care if we lose. (Neither would you if you saw the state of the shirt.) Luck be a lady tonight.

  • S01E10 Episode 10

    • November 5, 1988
    • BBC One

    It's a dark and stormy night. You're lost. Your car breaks down. You see a strange castle on a hill. Tired and soaked to the skin, you knock at the huge double doors for help and they mysteriously swing open unaided. Foolishly you walk in and get attacked by a werewolf ... ever had one of those days?

  • S01E11 Episode 11

    • November 12, 1988
    • BBC One

    This week's Roadshow quiz. Fill in the missing words in the following sentences ... 1: We all live in a yellow. 2: Jules Verne wrote about a.... called Nautilus 3: A boat that goes underwater is a ... 4: This week's Roadshow destination is in a ... Answers qsnq :\ auueuiqns :g -Z :1

  • S01E12 Episode 12

    • November 19, 1988
    • BBC One

    It is dark there in the Great Pyramid - dark upon dark. Centuries of darkness have shrouded this, the Royal Burial Chamber of one of the last Egyptian pharaohs - King Dont Tut. A breeze, blowing in across the desert from the Nile, causes a candle to gutter; the shadows of the explorers dance an eerie tango on the huge slab walls as, slowly, painfully, the massive door to the Inner Chamber is heaved open. Soon you will be face to face with King Dont Tut ... the oldest celebrity guest in the history of light entertainment.

  • S01E13 Episode 13

    • November 26, 1988
    • BBC One

    It's election time in Latin America where they dance the 'bandolero' while strumming their 'hasta mananas'. Where the rivers are infested by vicious man-eating 'siestas' and the citizens take an hour off work for a little shut-eye, or 'piranha' as it is known. Yes, the Roadshow is here with the facts on Central American democracy.

  • S01E14 Episode 14

    • December 3, 1988
    • BBC One

    Spot this week's deliberate mistake: Venice! where brightly coloured gondolas adorn the beautiful canals; where lovers stand upon the Bridge of Sighs and watch the world go by; where thousands of small craft ply the magnificent Lido; where the Orient Express pulls slowly out on its long, romantic journey westwards; and the capital of Peru is Bradford.

  • S01E15 Episode 15

    • December 10, 1988
    • BBC One

    You take the high road and I'll take the low - because there's only one lane open northbound on the Ml.

  • S01E16 Episode 16

    • December 17, 1988
    • BBC One

    With one mighty effort Commander Noel 'Flash' Edmonds tore himself free from the clutches of the evil three-headed aardvark from the planet Magnusson and sprang on to his trusty SpaceSkoda. He kicked the self-starter, which immediately kicked him back. Then, with the huge turbines throbbing, Edmonds thrust the vehicle up through the lonoTropoDesOconnoshpere, back towards the space station ... and safety. (I don't think this is quite the Space Station Show they had in mind. - Ed)

Season 2

Season 3

Additional Specials

  • SPECIAL 0x1 Christmas Morning with Noel

    • December 25, 1988
    • BBC One

    Noel's traditional Christmas show is packed with goodies; including international messages of goodwill and cheer, walks around the country, dedications from very important people and visits to some extremely unusual places. There's a chance to ring in and swap those unwanted Christmas presents, a look at 'Aunty's Bloomers', and a fast and furious studio game for some lucky families who could win a trip to visit friends or relatives overseas, aided and abetted by special celebrity guests. It's all here in one exciting show - and it's live!