
The series follows Milo, the beloved head geek at popular comic book shop Warped!, who forms an unlikely alliance with his new quirky and excitable co-worker Ruby to create the world’s greatest graphic novel.

English Português - Brasil Deutsch suomi español
Season From To Episodes
All Seasons
Specials 0
Season 1 January 2022 March 2022 13
Unassigned Episodes 0
Name Number of Episodes Dates
Kevin Kopelow 27 01/20/2022 - 03/31/2022
Heath Seifert 27 01/20/2022 - 03/31/2022
Name Number of Episodes Dates
Kevin Kay 13 01/20/2022 - 03/31/2022
Jeny Quine 13 01/20/2022 - 03/31/2022
Name Number of Episodes Dates
Jonathan Judge 2 01/20/2022

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