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Season 1

  • S01E01 Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, The Basics - Part One

    • September 27, 2019

    Welcome to the transformative world of Kundalini Yoga. Part One discusses the foundations and basics for a successful practice. Prepare to transform your world and the world around you with the ancient art of Kundalini Yoga.

  • S01E02 Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, The Basics - Part Two

    • September 27, 2019

    David and Adi introduce you to the world of Kundalini Yoga. Part Two of the basics series further explores the foundations of a Kundalini Yoga practice. Prepare to transform your world and the world around you with the ancient art of Kundalini Yoga.

  • S01E03 Balancing Your Energy Centers

    • September 27, 2019

    Join David and Adi as they chat with two members of Four Day Weekend Comedy, Oliver Tull and Ray Sharp on how using the improv philosophy "Yes, And," can transform your life. In the second half, practice "Balancing Your Energy Centers", a simple and effective Kriya to open and balance the energy centers in the body and to remove energy blocks. Sat Nam.

  • S01E04 Expand Your Creativity

    • September 27, 2019

    Anesthesiologist, Dr. Rene Powell, joins David and Adi to discuss the challenges of having a full-time career and raising young children. In the second half, Adi leads the practice with the Supreme Kriya designed to expand your creativity.

  • S01E05 Increasing Your Vitality

    • September 27, 2019

    David and Adi and are joined by chiropractor, Bethany Roggendorf, as they delve into the importance of spine health. Then, explore a basic spinal series to increase vitality.

  • S01E06 Power Up Your Digestion

    • September 27, 2019

    Nutritionist, Dustin Strong, grabs a bolster to sit down and talk with David and Adi about digestion and how it affects our overall health. Following the talk, power up on digestion with a Kriya designed to maximize the digestive process.

  • S01E07 Radiate From Your Heart

    • September 27, 2019

    Comedian, Oliver Tull, takes us through his extraordinary weight loss journey through the one meal a day (OMAD) system. "Nothing succeeds like success!" After, practice with Adi and David to open the heart center.

  • S01E08 Memory Care - A Daily Brain Game

    • September 27, 2019

    The greatest majority of us have been faced with a family member or friend who has had Alzheimer's Disease. Dr. Rene Powell speaks about the revolutionary way Kundalini Yoga is being used to offset Alzheimer's Disease and other ailments. Conclude the episode with the Kriya being used around the world to do so.

  • S01E09 The Power Of Breathing

    • September 27, 2019

    Nutritionist, Dustin Strong, shares his secrets of being more present and in the moment when we eat which directly leads to better health. Then, David and Adi conclude Season One with the Power of Breathing.

Season 2

  • S02E01 Conversation: Oh My Chakras

    • June 11, 2021

    Chakra in Sanskrit means "disk" or "wheel" and refers to the energy centers in the body. To function best, the chakras need to stay open and balanced. In this episode, we dig a little deeper to understand more about each one.

  • S02E02 Practice: Loving Healing Hands

    • June 11, 2021

    Working with the hands is an ancient practice known by the spiritual masters around the globe. This Kriya brings energy to the hands and magnifies their healing power.

  • S02E03 Conversation: 40-Day Practice

    • June 11, 2021

    Our habits define us. Life is based on our habits and our health is reflected by what we choose to do each day. When we change our habits, everything around us changes. David and Adi discuss their experience with a 40-day practice and the benefits that go along with it. By developing a 40-day practice, we have the capacity to alter our course in life.

  • S02E04 Practice: Morning Energy

    • June 11, 2021

    Start your day each morning with the Morning Energy Series. This short series is intended to be practiced every morning to set the naval center which is the source of inner and outer strength. In less than 15 minutes, clear your energy and electromagnetic field, release negativity and cut through anything that is blocking you while creating the environment to become your very best self.

  • S02E05 Conversation: Yes, And

    • June 11, 2021

    David and Adi explore the improvisational comedy technique of "Yes, And." All manifestation begins with the word "yes." Every great idea, invention, or product was created when someone came up with the original idea and then was supported by someone who said, "Yes" to the idea while building upon it; this is how we manifest ideas into reality.

  • S02E06 Practice: Clearing Emotions of the Past

    • June 11, 2021

    This meditation gives the courage to address phobias, fears and neurosis while removing unsettling thoughts from the past that surface into the present. By gaining clarity and strength, we can take difficult experiences from the past and uplift them to be healed. This meditation is especially useful for dealing with stressful relationships and past family issues.

  • S02E07 Conversation: Hormone Health

    • June 11, 2021

    David and Adi discuss hormones in the body. The glandular system is the guardian of our health and produces hormones which travel through the body and affect so much in our life. They create the foundation of our emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual health, as well as our overall well-being. When we reboot the glandular system, we put our body back into balance and can feel it.

  • S02E08 Practice: The Power of a Meditative State

    • June 11, 2021

    Meditation isn't only a luxury for those that can dedicate time to it each day; meditation is essential for our world and the human species to thrive. This meditation takes us into the space where we can harvest peace and serenity while empowering ourselves to deliver our peaceful state of mind and presence to the world.

  • S02E09 Conversation: The Age of Aquarius

    • June 11, 2021

    The Aquarian Age is upon us and ushering in a dramatically new and different way of living. As we move into this new age, we are learning to trust ourselves more and trust each other. Many people are tapping into an inner voice telling them to shine their own truths and gifts into the world. Join David and Adi as they explore what's ahead in the Age of Aquarius.

  • S02E10 Practice: Healing Energy (Ra Ma Da Sa)

    • June 11, 2021

    Certain mantras are to be cherished like a beautiful gem. This mantra holds within it eight sounds that stimulate the Kundalini flow within the central channel of the spine for healing. This healing meditation is used to pray for healing energy for our friends, family, and ourselves. This mantra taps into the energies of the sun, moon, earth, and the Infinite Spirit to bring deep healing.

  • S02E11 Conversation: Lift Your Mood

    • June 11, 2021

    The breath has transformative potential. By simply breathing exclusively through one nostril or another, we can either bring great energy vitality or a more calming energy. Join David and Adi as they practice and explore the benefits of breathing through different nostrils and what it can do for your mental state.

  • S02E12 Practice: Turning Anger into Action

    • June 11, 2021

    Many consider anger to be one of those "bad" emotions. The power of anger is the same power that digests our food and energizes our cells. This meditation allows us to transmute the energy of anger into a power that serves our highest good. If you are feeling stuck with angry feelings, this meditation eliminates blocks, alchemizes the emotion of anger and moves us forward in a healthy way.