This animated series follows the adventures of the Addams family as they travel through the country in a special haunted wagon and encounter new friends Abigail the bat, Ocho the octopus and Ali Gator. Hanna Barbera first used the Addams Family as guest stars on their popular Scooby Doo show. Their appearances were so well received that the firm spun them off into their own show. In this, the Family is travelling about America in a special haunted wagon that can even dig a moat when they settle down for the evening.
This animated series is the fourth incarnation of the creepy characters based on the macabre family comics created by Charles Addams. It first came out as a television series in the 1960's. They then became animated in the 70's, first in their own animated series, and then an appearance in The New Scooby-Doo Movies around the same time. The family then went movie-bound in the early 90's as they were put on the big screen. It was a hit at the box office, which prompted a sequel (Addams Family Values), but before then, this second animated series that features the gang of macabre miscreants who have their own unusual ways of having fun adventures.