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  • List ID 15851
  • Created By papycine
  • List Type Custom
  • Favorites 1
  • Created November 2, 2023 by
  • Modified November 2, 2023 by

Alice Nevers


Quand la police et la juge d'instruction Alice Nevers font équipe pour résoudre les enquêtes les plus complexes...



Bénédicte, journaliste de retour à Nantes sa ville natale, est à la recherche de son enfant arraché par ses parents quand elle était adolescente. Son travail la plonge au coeur de trois enquêtes passionnantes et émouvantes questionnant les liens familiaux menés par une femme qui a besoin de trouver une vérité intime derrière les faits divers.

L'Art du crime


Viré de la PJ pour insubordination, Antoine Verlay, excellent flic mais un brin sanguin et ayant du mal à travailler en équipe, est rattaché à l’OCBC (Office Central de lutte contre le trafic des Biens Culturels) grâce à l’entremise du commandant Pardo, son ami qui devient, de ce fait, son nouveau supérieur. Enquêteur malin, mais étranger à tout ce qui touche à la culture, Antoine va devoir travailler avec Florence Chassagne, historienne de l’art réputée, qui vit, parle et respire culture, au point que – fruit de sa grande imagination – il lui arrive, dans le cadre de rêveries, de voir et de parler aux grands artistes disparus comme s’ils lui étaient familiers.

À l'intérieur


Un crime violent a été commis dans une clinique psychiatrique. La victime, Ana, une jeune femme de 28 ans avait été internée contre son gré et devait sortir le lendemain du soir où elle a été assassinée. On l’a retrouvée étouffée et… le cœur arraché. Angèle, jeune et brillante inspectrice de police est chargée de l’enquête. A-t-elle affaire au crime d’un fou ou à celui d’un « normopathe » parfaitement lucide qui s’applique à le faire passer pour l’acte d’un dément ? Pyrénées d’or de la meilleure mini-série et Prix du Public de la mini-série au Festival de Luchon 2019

Agatha Raisin


Over the course of the fun and vibrant series, Agatha will attempt to solve a number of mysteries in the Cotswolds, from the death of a local witch to the demise of a flirtatious young vet. The will-they-won’t-they relationship between Agatha and on-off love interest James will continue, meanwhile, as the pair pose as a married couple in order to solve a crime.

Alarm für Cobra 11 - Die Autobahnpolizei


Spannung und unglaubliche Action auf höchstem Niveau sind garantiert, wenn Deutschlands erfolgreichste Action-Serie durchstartet. Und die Fans können sich auf spannungsgeladene Stories und erstklassige Action freuen. Kein Verbrecher ist vor dem Team von "Cobra 11" sicher. Sie geben alles, um Ordnung in ihrem Revier zu schaffen. Sie stellen sich jeder noch so gefährlichen Situation und sind ständig in wilde Verfolgungsjagden verwickelt - auf der Straße, auf Hausdächern oder in abgelegenen Industriegebieten. Dafür schonen sie weder sich noch ihr Material - so mancher Dienstwagen bleibt dabei auf der Strecke.



Una ragazzina cocciuta e coraggiosa parte alla ricerca del fratellino rapito. Fra campi arsi e boschi misteriosi, ruderi di centri commerciali e città abbandonate, fra i grandi spazi deserti di un'isola riconquistata dalla natura e selvagge comunità di sopravvissuti, Anna ha come guida il quaderno che le ha lasciato la mamma con le istruzioni per farcela. E giorno dopo giorno scopre che le regole del passato non valgono più, dovrà inventarne di nuove.

Arsène Lupin


Arsène Lupin is a French TV show which was co-produced with German, Canadian, Belgian, Dutch, Swiss, Italian and Austrian TV stations. It is loosely based on the novels by Maurice Leblanc. Georges Descrières' portrayal of Arsène Lupin showed more similarity to Graf Yoster than to Maurice Leblanc's original. He behaved in the first place as a perfect gentleman who never got angry. He was always relaxed, because whatever could possibly have bothered him in daily life was taken care of by his butler. It wasn't questioned how he had come to his financial independence although the series sometimes discreetly implied that he was a professional criminal. Besides rescuing damsels in distress Lupin took on (other) criminals, competing with their wit and intelligence. Either he stole paintings from rich people who had to be considered white-collar criminals or he acted as a detective who derailed criminal schemes. However, when he was attacked, he could defend himself effortlessly by using elegant jujutsu methods. (Graf Yoster left such matters to his butler.) Among the guest stars were German actors such as Günter Strack and Sky du Mont. Jean-Paul Salomé said in his commentary on the DVD version of his film Arsène Lupin (2004) he had liked this series as a child. German TV, one the investors, would broadcast the show eventually between 18:00-20:00 o'clock because it was only allowed to show commercials within that timeslot. For them to get a financial return on investment the show had to be appropriate for families and also for children who would watch it alone. Subsequently it was nearby to ask to defuse and flatten some of Leblanc's plots in order to avoid possible complaints that could force the station to broadcast the show beyond the "Vorabendprogramm".

Astrid et Raphaëlle


Lorsque le commandant Raphaëlle Coste s'adresse au service des archives judiciaires de la police pour une de ses enquêtes, elle ne se doute pas qu'elle va rencontrer une jeune femme aussi brillante que déroutante, mémoire vivante des enquêtes criminelles, Astrid, 30 ans, signe particulier : autiste.

Babylon Berlin


Als Kommissar Gereon Rath 1929 aus Köln nach Berlin reist, ist er auf der Spur eines Erpressungsfalls, hinter dem offenbar ein Pornoring steht. In der „Roten Burg“, dem Berliner Polizeipräsidium, wird Rath dem Kollegen Bruno Wolter zur Seite gestellt und lernt die junge Stenotypistin Charlotte Ritter kennen. Nach einer Razzia stößt Rath auf einen wichtigen Hinweis und glaubt zunächst an eine rasche Lösung des Falls – doch bald darauf befindet er sich mitten in einem undurchschaubaren Dschungel aus Korruption, Prostitution und Waffenhandel.



Den kontroversielle mordutredaren Evert Bäckström stoltserar med att ha löst 99 procent av alla fall som han tagit sig an. Men när ett kranium hittas på en enslig ö i skärgården får han en rejäl uppförsbacke – och inte blir det lättare när offrets identitet kommer fram.



Raphaël a tout pour plaire. Il est charmant, beau, intelligent… et il sait faire parler les morts comme personne. Médecin légiste le plus doué de sa génération, il fascine autant qu’il exaspère. Irrévérencieux et taquin, il croque la vie sans en perdre une miette, souvent au mépris des normes et des conventions. Un défi de taille pour la commandante de police Hélène Bach, mère de famille débordée et récemment arrivée à la Criminelle, qui va devoir collaborer avec cette personnalité hors du commun. Ensemble, ils vont faire face aux meurtres les plus complexes en nous entraînant dans les méandres du royaume de la mort.

Beauty and the Beast (2012)


Detective Catherine Chandler is a smart, no-nonsense homicide detective. When she was a teenager, she witnessed the murder of her mother at the hands of two gunmen and herself was saved by someone – or something. Years have passed and while investigating a murder, Catherine discovers a clue that leads her to Vincent Keller, who was reportedly killed in 2002. Catherine learns that Vincent is actually still alive and that it was he who saved her many years before. For mysterious reasons that have forced him to live outside of traditional society, Vincent has been in hiding for the past 10 years to guard his secret – when he is enraged, he becomes a terrifying beast, unable to control his super-strength and heightened senses.

Big Little Lies


Based on Liane Moriarty’s bestselling book, and featuring Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman, and Shailene Woodley, this darkly comedic series tells the tale of three mothers whose seemingly perfect lives unravel to the point of murder.

Black and White


Comics Sherrod Small and Christian Finnegan tackle conversations surrounding race in America.



A mysterious tattooed woman with no recollection of her own past or her own identity is found naked inside a travel bag in Times Square by the FBI. They discover that her tattoos contain clues to crimes they will have to solve.

Bodyguard (2018)


A troubled war veteran is assigned to protect a controversial politician who may be the target of a terror plot.

Bordertown (2016)


The comedy, which takes place in a fictitious desert town near the U.S.-Mexico border, centers on the intertwining daily lives of neighbors Bud Buckwald and Ernesto Gonzales. Bud, a married father of three, is a Border Patrol agent who feels threatened by the cultural changes that have transformed his neighborhood. Living next door is Ernesto, an industrious Mexican immigrant and father of four, who is proud to be making it in America. As Bud and Ernesto’s paths begin to cross, their families become bound by friendship, romance and conflict. Spinoff from the show 3 South.



A gang of mates thieve, bribe and joyride their way through life. But their criminal antics are about to catch up with them.



The murder of a young boy in a small coastal town brings a media frenzy, which threatens to tear the community apart.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine


The lives of an eclectic group of detectives in a New York precinct, including one slacker who is forced to shape up when he gets a new boss.

Beau Séjour


Beau Séjour is een Belgische anthologie-dramaserie waarin een vermoorde persoon zijn of haar eigen dood onderzoekt.

The Blacklist


Raymond “Red” Reddington, one of the FBI’s most wanted fugitives, surrenders in person at FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C. He claims that he and the FBI have the same interests—bringing down dangerous criminals and terrorists. In the last two decades, he’s made a list of criminals and terrorists that matter the most but the FBI cannot find because it does not know they exist. Reddington calls this “The Blacklist.” Reddington will co-operate with the FBI, but insists that he will speak only to Elizabeth Keen, a rookie profiler.



En kropp hittas på bron från Malmö till Köpenhamn och orsakar jurisdiktionsfråga. Tvingade att arbeta tillsammans är en svensk och en dansk polisdetektiv på jakt efter en mördare.

The Brokenwood Mysteries


The Brokenwood Mysteries comprises four two-hour murder mystery stories set in a seemingly quiet country town where the town's newest resident, Detective Inspector Mike Shepherd, finds that murder lurks in even the most homely location.

The Salisbury Poisonings


A drama about the Novichok poisoning crisis in Salisbury in 2018.

And Then There Were None


Ten strangers are invited to an island by a mysterious host, and start to get killed one by one. Could one of them be the killer?