The Bourne Legacy

When the actions of Jason Bourne spark a fire that threatens to burn down decades of research across a number of secret intelligence agencies, Eric Byer, the man who built the programs, decides he must sacrifice one of them: Outcome. Aaron Cross, one of Outcome's six agents, and research scientist Marta Shearing go on the run when Byer targets them for termination. But Cross proves to be a far deadlier target than Byer realizes.

  • Bourne 4


There Was Never Just One

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Bourne Franchise

27 6 szsori

Matt Damon stars in this series of action thriller films based on Robert Ludlum’s novels as Jason Bourne, a CIA assassin suffering from dissociative amnesia who must figure out who he is.

Finished Movies

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Just movies I've finished watching at least once, as I remember to add them. Not intended for any official use.

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