Home / Series / The Henderson Kids II / Aired Order / Season 1 / Episode 21

Plots and Plans (Part 1)

Wal tries to explain his disappearance saying he did it to protect them all, as Harry is mixing with some dangerous people that would commit murder. Ron shuts rehearsals early telling Helen he's had a call from the council and they are having an inspection tomorrow, Helen lets everyone involved with costumes go to her house but the rest can go home. Tam realises she has lost her brooch and heads back to the centre alone. The centre is all locked up but Tam remembers the old sky light and gets in through there, she hears a noise and finds a smuggled bird, the light goes on and she sees Ellis, he and Spider chase her and she runs straight in to Ron, she is relieved until Ellis calls him boss. Steve fills Wal in on how they tried to find him and how they watched Harry's yard, he is horrified and tells Steve, the bird smuggling was only part of it, the rest was hard drugs and these people can't afford to get caught. Carol notices Tam still isn't back and Helen sends Brains and Ma

  • Originally Aired August 22, 1987
  • Runtime 25 minutes
  • Network Network 10
  • Created September 26, 2014 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified September 26, 2014 by
    Administrator admin
Name Type Role
Peter Hepworth Writer
Chris Langham Director