All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Scented Flower

    Sweet peas, roses and lavender are top contenders in the scented flower category. Landscape gardener Bunny Guinness talks about her personal favorite.

  • S01E02 Indoor Plant

    The cactus, spider plant and African violet are the most common houseplants across the nation. Pippa Greenwood and Diarmuid Gavin talk about their favourites.

  • S01E03 Flowering Shrub or Tree

    Lilac, cherry and camellia are among the contenders in the flowering shrub/tree category. Diarmuid Gavin and Roy Lancaster discuss their personal favourites.

  • S01E04 Flowering Perennial

    Delphiniums, geraniums and lupins are some of the nation’s favourite perennial flowers. Sven Wombwell and Kim Wilde talk about their personal favourites.

  • S01E05 The Bulb

    Revealing the results of a nationwide poll to identify Britain’s favourite flowers. Today, TV gardeners Chris Beardshaw and Dan Pearson champion their favourite bulbs.

  • S01E06 Exotic Plant

    From tree ferns to palms, the exotic plants make for an interesting top five. Rosie Atkins, curator of the Chelsea Physic Garden, and Dan Pearson discuss their choices.

  • S01E07 Bedding Flower

    Busy Lizzies and marigolds are popular choices, and Plantsman Chris Collins and the equally colourful Charlie Dimmock are advocates for their favourites.

  • S01E08 Flowering Climber

    Passion flowers, honeysuckle and wisteria are in the flowering climber category. Pippa Greenwood and Matt James vouch for their choices.

  • S01E09 Container Flower

    Pansies and petunias are in the top contenders in the container flower category, but which is Carol Klein most keen on? Chelsea grower Stuart Lockyer has handy tips.

  • S01E10 All-Time Top Ten

    Charlie Dimmock, Diarmuid Gavin and Chris Collins and other celebrity gardeners reveal the overall top ten blooms. Will the lily pip the rose to the top spot?